Well, just another unabashed, disgusting money grab a' la MS...
...when they bundle all their useless crap together and suddenly using Virtual Machine Manager costs almost 3x more: VMM 2008 Workgroup Edition (good up to 5 physical hosts) is around $400-$500 but now you will have to buy all their bugfest System Center junk for ~$1,300-1400 evben if you don't want to use anything other than VMM 2012...
...which might be also a bad idea as aside of stgupid and nnoying, lame bugs (yes, in the RC) it reeks from the typical, completely idiotic, awful-looking and, most importantly, functionally broken Microsoft UI: left menu here which opens into new page+another left menu+right pane items & options, which are to be right-click-then-ciick-then-submenu-then-clicked...
...wait, there is a toolbar on the top with all sorts of clickable icons ...
...ohhh WAIIIIT, the toolbar has TABS TOO...
...just dowright mind-boggling.
Seriously: what kind of uber-incompetent blind idiots approve these super-shitty, totally incoherent junk interface designs?
Ahh, did I mention it's worse than horrible at communicating errors in the job window? Just downright useless and, of course, stuff that takes few steps and works in Failover Cluster Manager here takes gazillion steps and completely incompatible with FCM. Go figure which idiot didn't talk to the toher department...
Microsoft, the archetype of destructive corporate contra-selection at work.