back to article Microsoftie takes over HP's strategy

Bill Veghte, the former Microsoft hotshot that was brought in to run HP's small but important software business back in May 2010, has been named the company's chief strategy officer. Veghte came to HP back when Mark Hurd was still boss – that was two CEOs ago – and kept his job when Hurd was ousted and replaced by former SAP …


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  1. Mikel


    How very Nokia-ish. This isn't going to end well.

  2. Silverburn

    HP has a strategy???

    ...other than "ship overpriced poor quality [insert any HP product here], then gouge the customer on the maintenance & consumables"?

  3. Hubert Thrunge Jr.

    WebOS now very dead

    That's that then. Any ideas about WebOS coming back to do anything in that organisation will be killed, and replaced with embedded versions of windows. All HP printers will now require a ctrl-alt-delete trio of keys.....

    Can't wait for an ex-MS exec to weedle their way into Cupertino, that could be interesting....

    1. Keep Refrigerated

      Not only WebOS

      What about Andoid integration? Linux support? I have a HP Envy 115 printer with a modified version of Android - shite for apps - but superb for networking and internet. HP have also been one of the best supporters of Open Source Linux drivers - even if there is not a driver for your specific model, the driver for the product range usually works just as well.

      Let's just say if HP had produced a printer with Win CE or a stripped down version of Win XP - I would not have bought one of their printers. Ditto if they kill the Linux driver support - no more printer recommendations from me.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Doing to HP what they're doing to Nokia?

  5. wreckedred

    Smart move by HP

    Bill Veghte is one of those people that when you talk to him you walk away knowing he know's exactly what he is talking about. He is also keenly aware that it's the people behind the technology that drives it....he should be CEO of HP and he might be one day.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @wreckedred - Erm, you mean knows maybe ?

      I know they sound the same, pesky English grammar!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I always wondered how did Microsoft managed to kill WebOS

    and I know. And I also know we can't really trust HP for anything non-Windows.

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