back to article Darwin's lost fossils found down the back of a cupboard

Fossils collected by a young Charles Darwin have been discovered in a gloomy corner of a British Geological Survey vault. The treasure trove of fossilised wood, stone and vegetation includes samples that Darwin collected on the HMS Beagle journey during which he came up with his theory of evolution. Lost for 165 years, the …


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  1. Dick Pountain

    This is kind of the science equivalent of discovering a new Beethoven score.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "We all'd know dat werld was dun creted by Gawd himself wot done created all things. We ain't deesended from no monkees, ya know!"

    1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

      Reminds me of a "scientific correctness survey"

      Posted in Mini-AIR in response remarks from Alabama governor Fob James on evolution ("just a theory"):

      Did human beings evolve from

      ape-like creatures?

      __Yes __No __Not in Alabama __Other (please specify)

      Results can be found at:

  3. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Brilliant! I will drink to that.

    Unless it is a Cabinet of Curiosity, in which case all fossils must be returned in 14.14 hours.

    We shall soon find out ;-)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Was there anything pink in it?

  4. JimmyPage

    It was resting on top of

    A stack of Des O'Connor LPs*

    *Under 35s, ask your parents.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      About LPs or Des O'Connor?

  5. Paul Naylor

    To paraphrase Chief Wiggum

    What IS the fascination with my forbidden closet of mystery??

  6. tmTM

    Fossil hunting

    Can now be done in dusty rooms in England thanks to inept book-keeping.

  7. S Larti
    Thumb Up

    There is only one way to make this more awesome:

    Was this 'dark corner' in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'.?

  8. Tom 7

    Should've put it in the BM

    They know its there, they know where it is but they cant let you see it at the moment because of some cataloguing activity.

  9. TeeCee Gold badge

    Obvious really.

    God hid them to discredit Darwin.

  10. This post has been deleted by its author

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Really! 165 years!

    Wow, so these so called "clever people" didn't even have the nouse to check behind the drawer?

    Enough said.

    1. Some Beggar
      Thumb Down

      Rule 36 of The Internet.

      When somebody ends a statement with "enough said" then they have almost certainly not said anything at all.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Lost for 165 years???

      So I guess that makes them 6165 years old?

  12. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "To find a treasure trove of lost Darwin specimens from the Beagle voyage is just extraordinary"

    Yes, but to find them already stored and still waiting for analysis after over a century and a half is a darn shame.

    Might be time to get a few interns to go through all storage areas and see what else needs to be "rediscovered".

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. David 164

      Even if every graduate in this field spent there entire lives going through every nook and cranny in UK warehouses and archives they would still not complete the task of cataloguing everything stored for many decades. Even the British Museum says it only got an extremely rough idea what it has in it archives and still finds un-recorded items regularly.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        If they find a wooden crate in a giant warehouse with millions of other wooden crates - they would be well advised not to take the lid off. At least if they don't want their faces melted.

  13. JDX Gold badge

    re:This is kind of the science equivalent of discovering a new Beethoven score.

    Um, why? They're not _special_ fossils just because they're Darwin's.

    1. Marshalltown


      In fact, that they were collected by Darwin while traveling on the Beagle is the single most interesting property they have at the moment. That fact alone makes them historically important. They also must have had some influence on the formation of his theory of speciation, which would add to their importance. There are likely to be several papers and books in the next few years by paleontologists, biologists and philosophers of science all attempting to link these to Darwin's conclusions in the Origin of Species.

  14. John Angelico

    Oh, no, not again!

    <sigh> And now I suppose I have to brace myself for more stupid headlines of the "This completely changes our understanding of evolutionary development" variety.

  15. chris lively

    Why does this bring to mind the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    Just wow.

  16. micheal

    Just wondering

    Who paid the "Big Yellow Self Storage" bill for 165 years without ever asking what's stored there?

    Did they find any patents to use against Samsung?

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Joseph Hooker

    I actually live in Joseph Hooker's old house - I must double check that basement cupboard again !

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  18. Graham Wilson

    Wonderful discovery but....

    A wonderful discovery but I wonder if the information from this discovery is going to be made freely available and accessible to science and everyone.

    In recent years, it's become commonplace for museums etc.--those having custodial possession of society's documents, records and objects--to only make information available through photographs, photocopies etc. made by the institution in question, thus copyright of information about objects in its possession is also invested with it and not in the public domain as it ought to be.

    As the mad and unfair copyright laws currently stand, it means that this valuable information about Charles Darwin won't reach the public domain much before the 22nd Century.

    Had these items never been lost then by now we'd not only have had many years of valuable analysis time but also the photographs and information about them would have been in the public domain for about 100 years. Correct: because of a quirk of fate, copyright of this information starts running from now!

    Just another good reason to stop SOPA and reform unjust copyright law.

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