back to article Cupertino lawyers mull 'driPhone' name ban

The AppleTM branding police have swooped on a fledgling New Zealand based mobile phone accessory entrepreneur in a row that may yet end up in court. At issue is whether using the "eye" phoneme in a product brand is allowable when the product in question is a third-party iPhoneTM accessory. Fairfax reports that AppleTM has …


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  1. dr2chase

    Be interesting to see what where the line is

    einPhone, zweiPhone, dreiPhone? oyPhone? ahPhone? ay-yi-yi-yiPhone?

    1. Robert E A Harvey

      Old McDonald could be in bother then?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    i i i i i i i i i i i i i

    So finally 'i' must be removed from all words, for fear of being prosecuted by these people. The alphabet is now down to four vowels unless you are willing to pay a licence fee for its use.

    Next week the sound 'eye' will also be copyright.

    1. Local Group

      Apple's lawyers spotted in Stratford on Avon.

      They want the soothsayer in "Julius Caesar " to tell Caesar: "Beware the 15th of March."

      1. gerryg

        @Local Group

        A genuine keyboard moment

      2. Arclight

        Prior art

        @local group I guess 500 or so years should be enough to give prior art

        I wonder if he changes it to dryphone will they still claim it sounds the same as driphone

        How about he changes the 'i' to a capital. All Apples 'i' products are in the lower case......actually that gives me an idea, why not bring out a range of products called Ipad, Iphone, with the 'I' in times roman, and if apple complain I can just claim its actually a roman numeral, and it is in fact a 'one'pad :)

    2. Asiren

      So what you mean...

      ys that the letter that sounds lyke "eye" shall forever be assocyated wyth Apple, and all mortals wythout a lycence to use the letter wyll have to fynd an appropryate alternatyve?

      Scrabble just became a byt easyer. Though many tyles wyll have to be replaced.

    3. Armando 123

      That's ntensely nteresting.

      1. perlcat

        but there is good news and bad news.

        No longer will they be referring to the Crapple stuff as "eye" candy.

        However, the real "eye candy" will be banned by a bunch of humorless lawyers.

        1. The BigYin

          Apple are such an...


    4. dssf

      minus the "i"..

      You forgot to make your statement look lke ths:

      "So fnally '*' must be removed from all words, for fear of beng prosecuted by these people. The alphabet s now down to four vowels unless you are wllng to pay a lcence fee for ts use.

      Next week the sound 'eye' wll also be copyrght."


      1. perlcat


        An 'i' for an 'i' makes the whole world blnd.

        '[] suppose [] can see that.'

  3. web_bod

    Hyphenate it properly

    Drip-hone - there you go, problem solved

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Except there is a NZ politician name Hone Harawira.....and he's more of an arse than a drip.

  4. Winkypop Silver badge

    DriPhone or Dri Phone

    Such an expensive difference....

    <-- for trademarked fruit logo based company

  5. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    i Phone name was used by another company before Apple

    I have an i Phone, it's a usb connected handset for VOIP I bought years ago in the days when Apple just made over-priced computers for technophobes.

    On the front it's labelled as "i phone" on the back "i Phone" does the lack of a space between i and P mean Apple hasn't infringed the "prior art"?

    Anyone want to buy it to use in a case against Apple?

    1. Gadget Rage is BAD

      Yes iPhone was used by another company....

      then bought by Cisco who managed to cock up the legal case as they couldn't prove continued use of the name so Apple won the right to use it.

      They later settled so Apple now legally own it.

      1. Lockwood

        more confusion

        without the use of a shift key, asking about problems installing ios 12.2 gets odd responses.

        1. Steve the Cynic

          Certainly does for me, as that version number comes out as &é;é if I don't use the shift key...

          (Seriously, the AZERTY layout is just weird.)

  7. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    I'll have to wear contact lens

    I don't want to be sued by Apple because I wear infringing eye-glasses.

    OK I'll(TM) stop now.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I'd rather go blind

      Doesn't IOS have an app called "contacts" - you may be SOL my friend.

  8. nematoad Silver badge

    This stirs a memory

    Didn't Intel try to copyright the letter "i" many years ago? And had it chucked out as you cannot copyright the letters of the alphabet.

    1. Stuart Castle Silver badge

      I believe Intel tried to copyright numbers, after AMD and Cyrix launched their 586 and 6x86 cpus. Intel obviously lost the case as you'd need to redefine mathematics to enforce the copyright.

    2. Steve the Cynic

      you may be thinking of Zilog and the letter Z, as in the Z-80.

  9. mhenriday

    «The first thing we do, let's ...»

    «Apple'sTM letter, dated December 23, requested an additional month for a team of [gimlet-eyed lizards - sorry, unable to reproduce the cross-out MHD] lawyers to [squeeze the last possible billable hour out of a trivial sideshow] decide whether the company will lodge an objection.» Lawyers are what lawyers are - nothing new here - and Apple is what Apple is (has become) - a blight on and hinder for all innovation that the firm doesn't control...


  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    suit want I, in court French, no?

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    aggressive kneejerk over-reaction

    is usually the preserve of the insecure.

    which makes you think.

  12. Purlieu


    you do realise that TM is completely meaningless legally, even in the States

  13. Anonymous Coward


    They must be drunk thinking this worth pursuing. I beggars belief

  14. Anonymous Coward

    Look out hotel chain......


  15. damien c

    What would be funny is if the writers of the film 2001 A Space Odyssey I think it was sued Apple for copying something they had in the film aka apparently from what I have, been told there was a section where the pilot's of a space ship we using something that looked like a Ipad when the film was released, well before the Ipad ever came in to existence.

    This whole thing with Apple and sueing companies for thing's like this are a joke.

    I just hope that someone one day takes Apple to the cleaners.

    I won't buy anything that is developed by Apple or that has the Apple name on it now on the basis that they are sueing everyone over everything they possibly can.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wonder if Apple would be able to make a case if it were called "DryPhone"? I'm thinking the fact that he's called it "driPhone" with the "i" and capitialisation of the "P" makes Apple think they have a chance.

  17. xyz Silver badge

    I seem to remember owning a non fruit based iPaq...

    ...some time ago. I can't quite remember who came up with the "i" first, but fruit based lawyers do not seem to be inclined to go after HP. Odd that...a bloke in NZ and whammo, but effing great mega corp almost next door and sshhhhh!

  18. Bernard M. Orwell

    Why not drYphone?

    'cos it already exists...

  19. Gannon (J.) Dick

    Complex Numbers are prior art.

    You're holding mine wrong, Apple.

  20. Big_Boomer

    iHesitate to waste my time,....

    but iWill take this opportunity to state that iShall never buy an Apple product, will do everything iCan to avoid using any of their software, and will jump on every chance to diss their products and denigrate the people who do buy them.

    So, iApple can iKiss my iBig iFat iArse

    Not that anyone gives an iRats iArse what iThink. ;-)

  21. MJI Silver badge

    Just ignore them

    Best answer

  22. Si 1

    Android cases

    I wonder if Apple would have objected were it not for the fact that this company also make "driPhone" cases for Android phones? I can think of a few iPhone accessories that use "i" in their name without any legal problems (e.g. iTrip), so I suspect the real issue here is the association of the "iPhone" name with Android.

    Maybe Apple are concerned about iPhone becoming a generic catch-all name, like Hoover is to vacuum cleaners or Nintendo was to video-games?

  23. Matthew Hale

    I-raq.... the yanks would say, could be in for a hefty lawsuit too.

    Apple are just great, if for nothing other than amusement.

  24. SPiT

    Might consider i..... prior works

    In Watermelon Sugar

    A bit cryptic but does rather impact an Apple's claim to the general i prefix

  25. JDX Gold badge

    If it's the _sound_ they are worried about

    Then even changing it to "dryPhone" would not be enough? Madness. I can see _some_ logic in being annoyed by all these iXXX gadgets which are clearly trading on apple's name and could hurt their reputation, but a clever-sounding product rather than a derivative copy is different. More a parody.

  26. Richard Jones 1

    Change the World

    No more of 'those' triangles they will now be called crapple-sosceles triangles, at least several other countries will be in danger, e.g. crapple-celand, crapple-ran should join crapple-raq, the crapple-sland off the south coast of England might have to worry. Then there is the interior finish using plasterboard sheets, 'was wet-once-walling' might catch on, perhaps not! Frozen carbon dioxide could become an issue and forget getting your clothes cleaned at the *** cleaners.

    Perhaps everyone in the world should start a suggestion that they have an 'i' something they want to use and drive crapple's legal department where it needs to go, anywhere out of the way.

    1. Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge

      Platonic solids...

      No longer may you fold twenty equilateral triangles into an iCosahedron. Platonic solids --=1

  27. Anonymous Coward

    Possible implications for Scotland, and the World's Navies.

    So does this mean that the use of the word "aye" now has to be licensed from Apple?

  28. zen1

    eye protest!

    am eye to assume that apple excluseyevely owns all references to anytheyeng that contaeyens a lower case "eye" (i) (* TM, SM, Copyreyeght, R and PDQ of Apple). Personally eye am appalled at theeyr behaveyeor and they should be chasteyezed for assumeyeng excluseyeve ownersheyep of a lower case eye, that prefaces a seyemple noun.

  29. Local Group
    Paris Hilton

    @ Arclight

    The small "i" trademark of Apple is genius.

    It's smallness conveys Apple's Uriah_Heep_type humility in computing, music and telecommunication.

    The even tinier dot over the "i" states where they are making their tens of billions.

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    just change the name

    no big deal

  31. James Pickett

    I seem to recall that Apple only hung on to their name by persuading the Beatles that they weren't going to get involved with anything to do with music. Time to reopen the case?

    1. Eponymous Cowherd

      Already happened....

      and Apple Corps got its arse reamed.

  32. miknik

    If Apple weren't so litigious I may have some sympathy

    The fact their whole trademark makes up part of this guys product name is probably why they have the arse, it's not just the use of "i" it's "iPhone".

    If I brought out a hot cocoa based beverage and called it Cococa-cola I would expect a letter from the lawyers.

    Still, Apple love trying to sue everyone for anything so fuck em, I hope they get pwned by the small guy.

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