ChinaGov = bad. China people = good
I suspect this will be used by people like my wife (assuming they offer cheap calls to/from China), so they can talk more often to family without worrying about the cost, at least with those family members who dont have either internet access, or a smart phone that can access QQ
BTW the BBC ISNT censored in China, only the website's Chinese language output; BBC TV World News is available by subscription to many cable and sat users.
Even the restrictions on porn have been relaxed, and it is now possible to view western porn sites ( i checked out a few I remember from my bachelor days to see if the stories about the relaxation were true), although Youtube and some other sites are still blocked.
Google services are "harassed", sometimes working and sometimes not.
We are both looking forwards to watching CCTV in the UK; by comparing their reports to the BBC output it is clear that it is a lot more honest than say Pravda's output.