back to article Nokia rests Symbian's future on a bunch of muppets

Nokia has released two interactive books documenting the happy-go-lucky lives of Sesame Street's residents, while apparently failing to notice that it has no tablet computers and has given up on Symbian. The free titles, 100th Day of School and Big Block Party, are in the Ovi* store, but only for Symbian^3 handsets. Most of …


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  1. ScissorHands

    Muppet between keyboard and chair

    It's a Qt application, so it can potentially run on Windows, Mac, Linux, MeeGo, in fact, almost everywhere except Windows Phone (and iOS). Unfortunately, the only other non-S^3 Nokia phone that could run this, the N9, does not have HDMI TV-out, only composite PAL.

    1. KnucklesTheDog
      Thumb Down

      I think a better description would be "It's a Qt application, so with a certain amount of porting could be (assuming there's not much non UI Symbian code in there too) made to run on ...".

      The idea that it would work pretty much as it on all those platforms simply because it has a Qt UI is rather over the top.

      1. ScissorHands

        If, given the no longer useless state of the Symbian Qt library, Nokia decided to use non-Qt code for an *ebook* of all things, they deserve everything they get. I may lose, but I'd bet it's pure QtQuick/QML.

        Of course, some Android apps need porting between phone *models* running the same OS version...

    2. Neil 7

      "except Windows Phone (and iOS)"

      Make that "except Windows Phone" - Qt apps are already being accepted into the Apple App Store. Check out!/Qt4iOS

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Wow, this is just like...

    skype then? No wonder Nokia is heading for the rocks

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Best headline

    of the year so far, guys.

    And most concise evaluation of the development strategy team at Nokia

  4. Hubert Thrunge Jr.

    This is what happens when you put a Gatesian clone like Elop in charge.

    It makes you wonder if some of the old guard Nokia types have done this to show what a dumb idea it was to drop Symbian (and Meego) and chuck all their eggs in the dreadful WInPho basket.

    1. npo4

      I like Symbian Belle

      I agree, it's a shame that once Symbian finally has a good UI, Nokia are giving up on it...

      I'd personally rather a Symbian Belle phone over a Windows Phone, but it doesn't seem to make sense that Nokia aren't planning to continue much work with Symbian, when it was their biggest seller...

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