That'll help cut inventory.
Cops seek clues to $1.7m tablet snatch
Thieves made away with $1.7m worth of RIM BlackBerry PlayBook tablets last week in Chesterfield, Indiana. The 7in tablets were being taken to Ontario, Canada from a warehouse and distribution facility in Plainfield, Indiana, local police said. The 22 pallets of kit were in the back of a lorry owned by Brightpoint, a company …
Monday 19th December 2011 12:30 GMT mark 63
bit of a funny market for a trucking company to aim at?
"a company that provides logistics services to the wireless industry."
Got wireless stuff? need it moving? call Brightpoint!
"Hello brightpoint? Can you move all these PC's upstate?"
"are they wireless?"
"well no , we dont move wired stuff, sorry"
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