“If I wanted to read the article, I would have followed your link the first time.”
Wow!!! I’ve met many people who were ignorant by accident, but I’ve never met anyone that was ignorant by design.
“Again I point out that it is from a place of academic research, where *most* of us here are professionals. Also that its not likely to be a place of study for your average UK based employee.”
What? You think reading 6½ pages is beyond the ability of the average UK based employee. You seem to have a very low opinion of the average UK employee, are you a (un)civil servant?
“Your reaction is like someone not recognising a flower because it does not grow in their part of the country and throwing a strop at them because they didn't get your joke based on its Latin name.”
Sorry, haven’t a fucking clue what you are on about.
“Are you claiming that everyone here has to be an expert on every fine detail of every subject covered on this site?”
No, but I do expect that commenttards do know a little bit about the broader issues or are willing to find out about them.
“Go stick your head in a pig.”
I was going to, but it looks like you beat me to it, and it looks like you have been there for some considerable time.