How are they going to beam messages to punters via wifi? You have to actively log in first.
And I thought leaving Bluetooth on and visible was a way of attracting unwanted attention.
London police are turning to Wi-Fi to beam alerts to revellers in the capital, warning them of the danger of rape while out partying and drinking over Christmas. Wi-Fi hotspots near popular clubs in central parts of London, such as Ministry of Sound, Proud Galleries and the Trocadero Centre, are being targeted by Scotland Yard …
"Wi-Fi hotspots near popular clubs in central parts of London, such as Ministry of Sound, Proud Galleries and the Trocadero Centre, are being targeted by Scotland Yard officers."
I assume the login-page for the WiFi spot (for those that need one, FON I'm looking at you), will have a personal-safety advert/message on it., rather than intercepting the WiFi and replacing random banner adverts with the message.
That makes a lot, lot more sense than what I was assuming.. thanks for thinking this through.
I wonder if they will also be using an interstitial when people connect even if a login is not needed? redirecting legitimate web requests to a 'Oi! You!; Watch it!!' page too? Maybe it's just an advertising system being given a trial run and a veneer of respectability?
Seriously ?
Not actually unconscious but a few cocktails down ?
If true the consequences would be staggering. My wife and I could both decide that, on reflection, we both wish we hadn't felt a tad frisky after our Xmas dos and come home 'in the mood' and prosecute each other.
"Subsection (2)(a) provides that there is no free agreement where the conduct takes place at a time where the complainer is incapable, because of the effect of alcohol or any other substance, of consenting to it. The effect of this subsection is not to provide that a person cannot consent to sexual activity after consuming any alcohol or taking any intoxicating substance. A person may have consumed alcohol (or any other intoxicating substance), and may even be quite drunk, without having lost the capacity to consent. However at the point where he or she is so intoxicated as to lose the capacity to choose whether to participate in sexual activity, any sexual activity that takes place, does so without the complainer’s consent."
So I'm not sure.
Another puzzle initially: "Subsection (2)(e) provides that there is no free agreement where the complainer agrees or submits to conduct because the accused induces the complainer to agree or submit to the conduct by impersonating a person known personally to the complainer." On reflection, this possibly covers situations when there isn't a light on, as well as if the complainer is blind, or you sneak up behind them and go "It's me" and they go "Oh all right then", and it isn't you. I mean, you aren't who it's supposed to be. Although in some cases you weren't to know that, probably.
If the other person is asleep, I'm afraid it's right out. At least here in Scotland.
I don't think much of this wi-fi plan, though.
Whoever sold the police this gimmick is a genius; makes those selling the IT suystems to the NHS look like a bunch of amateurs. I mean this is even more pointless and technically illiterate.
(and the cost is.. probably secret, and probably coming off the 'preparing for next summers riots' public control slushfund, Still I suppose I'd rather they wasted money on this inept gimmick then on rubber bullets and watercannon. )
hard to believe that beer goggles and an ability to 'tune in' to the 'peace' keepers can mix.
Even tuned in, then how much notice would xmas munters take? Shouldn't it be about reminding bars, pubs and clubs to offer a service of the overly munted, have food around, be civilised like.
Mine's a whisky mac with a squeeze of lime. No, not that kind of squeeze.
@"if plod had issued WiFi warnings that looting was a crime."
Perhaps they were. It would help explain why the rioters were attacking the phone and electrical shops as they just wanted to hear these police warning on their shiny new phones and why the rioters ignored book shops like Waterstones, as the book shops weren't running these police educational adverts in their shops.
I did wonder why the rioters ignored the book shops and attacked the electrical shops. So they just wanted to learn and there I was thinking they were all greedy arrogant narcissists with no thought for anyone but themselves. The sad thing is, these are the exact same kind of bullying narcissistic people who are also the rapists in this world, that the police are trying to warn others about.
Call me a cynic, but if I were to open up my nice shiny laptop to recieve alerts from the Police, who it has to be said, have a less than sterling ability when it comes to IT, doesn't that lay me open to a number of ""interesting"" attack vectors?
Personally, I'll be keeping my lappie fully locked down thank you very much.
Anybody got any spare pepper spray? :D
Its takes me all my time to get authenticated onto public wifi and then jump through the millions of hurdles to get free access after paying £3 for a coffee I dont want - but feel obliged to buy.
So after all this is done my attacker would have fled the scene and then took my Jesus Phone with him.
Watson, I think there is a hole in the mets plan...!
"If...their judgement is impaired by alcohol they are legally unable to consent"
Not that I condone taking advantage of drunks, but surely there's a difference between falling victim to a set of beer goggles and being assaulted. Does the law over on the island across the pond really treat them the same?
In those cases you didn't consent, your groin did, happened to me a lot as well. Could have joined the SAS for the skills I had in quietly moving from bed to floor, gathering clothes and leaving through the front door without making a sound. Although nowadays I think you need to add an extra step which is check you haven't given them your mobile number.
Why not put more onus on bar workers and staff to actually enforce the existing laws that they should not serve alcohol to people who are already drunk and that they have a duty of care to the people in their establishment. I think we've all done things when we were hammered that we wish we hadn't and the more you drink the less likely you are to know to stop.
I'm not saying that rape is ever a girl's fault, what I'm saying is that deciding the morning after that you were drunk and shouldn't have then retrospectively claiming you weren't in a condition to consent is very messy. If you're both drunk then the man shouldn't be held responsible for his actions either and that's an even messier minefield!!!
OK, here's an even more radical thought.
Take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming others for your own misfortunes. Get hammered? Take the consequences.
Leap off a bridge because it seemed like a good idea at the time, does not mean that you can blame the bridge because you were pissed. No difference as I see it.
And before you leap on me saying that because someone is pissed they should not have to contend with being taken advantage of, I totally agree.
Sadly, a few million years of so-called evolution, still allows males to be controlled by the sexual urge. Despite arrogant humans thinking that men can be "trained" out of it, the primeval urge still exists deep in the subconscious. Whether the urge can be totally controlled or not, by every male is debatable.
Oh yes, we all know the word, but frightening? What, that someone should take responsibility for their own actions? And insulting? I find your own lack of intelligence and arrogance rather insulting actually.
Unfortunately for you, like the rest of us, you are still basically an animal with animal instincts. If you don't believe that then what do you think accounts for mob rule, crowds rioting etc.
We are still deep down, driven by the need to multiply just like any dumb animal, plant, or amoeba.
You might believe (and I would certainly hope) that in a civilised world nothing bad should ever happen, sadly, it does, and it doesn't matter what laws "man" passes or how superior individuals think that they are over other animal life.
The problem with man is that we think, and that means that some people "think" that makes us superior to other forms of life.
All we can do in the end, is try and control ourselves to the best of our ability, but if we can't control ourselves, then STOP passing the buck onto other people. Yes sir I did it, not the barman or anybody else.
We have smart serve over here in Canada, basically it says that if I serve you, be it 1 drink or 12, while you are under the influence I am responsible as the server. Note it says that, if it has been tested legally, I am unsure.
I hate this system, if a person is not responsible enough to say "I drove my car into a tree cause I had 6 beer, hopped into it and drove" then they should not drink. People with the mentality of shift it to the servers and staff are going to lead to a world where every time you ingest alcohol, your watch beeps, if you hit a limit your car will not unlock.
How can you expect a server to keep track of the numerous patrons, their drinks and then watch what they do as they leave the door? For that matter, how are we to magically know you had 4 beer in the house before you came, different people react differently, some are overt and some never change from the normal. Yes if my regulars are there I watch them and know their habits and that they cab or one of the wives comes for them, then again they are my regulars, the random Joe off the street though is the wildcard for me constantly.
Time for the people of the world to wake up and accept responsibility for their own actions.