Based on my experiences with the physically similar J1, this is a very, very poorly designed camera. It seems to have been designed to fit a lifestyle more than a hand. There is no grip (Nikon will sell you a very expensive piece of plastic) and there are far too few physical controls.
The reviewer's interpretation of this lack of controls as being some kind of differentiator from the SLRs is nonsense; there are many, many reasons why one would choose an SLR over a compact system camera, or vice versa.
Or maybe it's designed for hipsters who want to take pictures but not understand how to take them? In which case, why not stick with a decent compact like the Fuji X10?
Thom Hogan, in his review of the J1, raises many of the design flaws in that camera, some of which will apply to the V1 too.
This is a very curious camera because it seems to have been designed for someone used to using a compact, but has a thoroughly 'SLR' price tag. It has a sensor smaller than Micro Four Thirds, or Sony's NEX, but the camera and lenses are not really any smaller then either.
There may be some nice ideas in the camera and it may have an ok kit lens, but I don't see them selling well against the NEX, PEN, GX1, Samsung NX... Nikon brand image or not.
Nikon are late to the party and they've turned up with a bottle of Blue Nun.