Speaking of Drones ... where IS Lewis Page?
Regarding the CS article, it makes interesting reading and sounds technically plausible ~ but it must be rather doubtful that any IRGC ECM expert working on this presumably highly-classified military project would so readily volunteer to Scooby the Christian Cub reporter this level of (or indeed any) information about how the interception was done ~ at least not without some fairly hefty consequences arriving simultaneously by door and window as he puts the phone down.
This therefore looks more likely to be a 'sanctioned' leak by their Military Intelligence, possibly intended as a shot-across-the-bows-type friendly warning to "Just back waaayy the fuck up there, Gringo!" Equally, it could be misinfo, tuned to add perpetual torque to the headspin of the beleaguered Yanki warcrims, while conserving the real method actually used. Either way's a shovel of sand in the ample assbox of Great Satan ";0))
Also piquant, the sideline from an 'EU source' about Iran having already performed free laser eye surgery on a US spy-sat ~ another commendable, economically asymmetric defence measure which will leave the Pentagonal pussholes pining for fast-acting aluminium blinkers on their video-nasty GameBoyz Toyz, not to mention new CCDs. How to retrofit without the Shuttle is a slight conundrum, but nothing another eleventy trillions bilked from China won't sort, one presumes.
However, probably the outstanding strategic quinseconce of this Sentinal saga is that the technology/counter-measures will be most rapidly shared, not with the Russians or Chinese, but the next-door-neighbour Pakistani Military, for whom the USA is an 'ally' in roughly the same ratio as Israel is to the Palestinians. The Pakistani crash-upgrade to relevant radar/jamming capabilities should effectively spike longstanding stealth-based plans to attack/rob their very real nuclear weapons, as opposed to some fantasy Iranian ones. Of course, the genius Yanki Generalissimos will nevertheless continue making great progress in pushing patriotic Pakistan into a solid military alliance with Iran and China, and their PPP-coiterie of NATO-issue quislings now teetering on the brink of literal extinction will shortly recieve the final nudge. After which tipping-point, a friendly nuclear umbrella will officially extend to cover Iran, putting paid to further genocidal plots for filthy sneak attacks, fevered dreams of full-spectrum domineering and WW3 on the cheap.
In the interim, with the Pakistani border shuttered to NATO for indefinite duration, stocks of stool-softener and Pampers™ are running perilously low for the US Latrine Corpse landlocked in Afghanistan, who are reduced to scavenging the hillsides for firewood as they face into the Himalayan winter without the usual surplus of JP8. By contrast, the perennial Taliban warmly appreciate this new supply of opportunity targets to be sniped at leisure with ammo requisitioned from their own trucks stranded on the high passes. Poetic, some might say. And after Hillary's abortive sortie at a 'Color Revolution' by her Pink-Tutu brigade in Moscow, Vlad the Impaler will be in no mood to expedite any shipment of camoflaged incontinence-flannels via his Northern Distribution Network. Thus, brown trousers are back in season, big style ~ butt c'est la vie as a bargaining chip.
There's one important lesson in all this for Imperial Yankilandia ~ your bully days of aggression with impunity are over ~ and irregardless how heavily the supremacist 'Gott-mit-uns' mindset of the faux-Xtian fanatics retards the uptake, with consistent application leech through it must, even if it leaves the bully in a daze.
Meanwhile, as starvation stalks the rust-bowls of the bankrupt Imperial Homeland, the rumble of Revolution Mk2 brews in the belly of the militant Masses. And what rough beast, hivemind stirred from sloth at last, slouches towards Washington to purge the ponzi nest of critters?
PS: To further console SeaLord Page and other apparatchiks, here's a holiday snap of the Pub with no Beer, Kabul Airbase, yesterday ~ please imagine the accompaniment of the world's tiniest ASCII violin while viewing ---> %