What shits me
about adverts here in Oz is the way the stations disperse them through the show.
When a show starts, you usually get the first 15-20 minutes with no ads. That's just to rope you in and get you hooked watching the show. Then they start bombing you with ads - after the first ad break, you get maybe 7-8 minutes of show, then another 5 minutes of ads. The ads get more and more frequent towards the end - 5 minutes of show, 5 minutes of ads, 2 minutes of show, 5 minutes of ads - until at the very end, the fuckers cut the last 30 seconds of the show to hit you with one last bout of ads, then finally let you see that last 30 seconds and the end credits. That's right, 5 MINUTES of ads before the last THIRTY FUCKING SECONDS of the show!
Note that Australia many years ago "deregulated" TV advertising, that's why you get pretty much 20 minutes of ads per hour.
Add to that the fact that Australia has a TV censorship regime that would make China's most conservative hardliners look like porn industry freedom fighters compared, not to mention that our TV stations usually run 2 seasons behind the rest of the world, and one can see why I (and a lot of other Aussies!) watch all my shows on the Bittorrent channel!