Well it's great that more people are making more launchers but...
An air-launched vehicle? I'm not an engineer but I really don't see that this is such a good thing.
It lifts your rocket & capsule/cargo up above the densest part of the atmosphere, true but... the difference between the amount of energy the orbital vehicle (OV) needs to go from stationary to orbital velocity really wouldn't, IMHO, be that much different from the amount of energy to go from, say, 450kph to orbital velocity.
The (probably highly complex) aerodynamics of a mothership/air-launched orbital vehicle would, probably, limit the size of the capsule/cargo you could get up into orbit. 10 tonnes payload, MAXIMUM in my opinion.
Not to mention that you'd be paying for an enormous aircraft that would be specialised for one thing, would be manufactured in very small quantities (say... 3? At most?) and so would likely be very expensive to design, develop, test, maintain, insure and run.
And once you've finished paying ALL THAT, you've got to start handing out cash for the OV's design, development, testing, maintainance, running costs, insurance etc...
It might work and even be profitable IF you're prepared to write off the entire development & initial manufacturing costs...