back to article Ofcom squeezes local TV into 20 cities' tight White Spaces

Ofcom has identified 20 locations where it believes local telly, broadcast in White Space, is technically possible, and stands the best chance of being commercially viable. The list includes Birmingham and Glasgow as well as Norwich and Leeds, but it's the London site which will most likely be contested by bidders. Those …


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  1. I understand now

    Article good, idea bad.

    Why must they continue with this? Surely there something much more useful to do with these frequencies?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    a promise to spend £15m of licence-payer money on content from the local stations

    Why? What if the content is all shite?

    1. Da Weezil

      Its a huge joke... we are not on the list for decent broadband.. and now we will have to subsidise the establishment of local TV for Cities out of our TV tax?

      Someone take the collective worthlessness called OFCOM round the back and put them out of our misery! They're neither use nor ornament as my old Yorkshire Aunt used to say.

      1. John Ruddy

        Not OFCOMs fault

        Didnt you read the article - OFCOM are charged with implementing the Governments policy on local TV. And that Hunt of a Culture Secretary wants local TV for his media chums to invest in.

    2. Jon Press

      Because it's "localism"

      The DCMS is already planning to take licensing powers away from local authorities (except for alcohol) on the grounds, it would seem, that local investment decisions are better taken by national and international corporations.

      This is just another example of the same thing - the government dictating how business should operate in local areas regardless of the views of the people who live there.

      When any government talks about decentralisation, regionalisation, deregulation or local accountability you can be pretty sure that the words "on our terms" is buried somewhere in the small print.

      Ironically, when ITV companies used to make local programmes, they were quite popular - but with the wrong demographic. It'll take more than £15m to make up for the lack of ABC1s.

  3. Chris Martin 2

    It will start off as local TV, someone wil buy out each franchise and it will end up like a sudo ITV1 with patchy coverage.

    So are they going to stand up a DVB-T Mux to put it in, perhaps fill it with some regional radio while your at it.

  4. Lee Dowling Silver badge

    Wait... so we've spent years clearing up frequencies to pave the way for digital TV (where we can literally have hundreds of channels and broadcast local ones only locally if necessary), only to fill up those frequencies we're now *not* using with local TV broadcasts that "shouldn't" interfere?

    I'm confused. And we *have* to spend money to make local TV happen? What exactly is going to be on the "London" channel that's not on any of the other digital channels and/or isn't covered in the 5-minute "local news/weather" section of the normal news (Do TV channels even still have that? I haven't watched a news program in about a decade).

    My concern is mainly that there's enough dross on TV to activate my internal spam filter without creating more and every channel I don't watch is one I'm paying for anyway. Is local TV really necessary when most nights the national news can't even do a decent broadcast without delving into celebrity gossip and finding a cat with 18 toes (which is one of the main reasons I stopped watching "everything" news broadcasts and started researching the things *I* found interesting instead)?

    I don't want DibleyTV. Nor, I suspect, do most people in the areas mentioned. The Welsh are probably crying out for more Welsh programmes though - I'd rather they had them, so long as they get watched, than some local "reporter" telling me about a one-legged duck.

    We don't have a shortage of channels. Those days passed the second Sky entered the analogue TV market and Freeview etc. followed. What we have now is too much junk, repeats, adverts and pointless programs that don't get viewers. I don't see how local TV will remedy that situation at all.

    1. Vic

      > What exactly is going to be on the "London" channel that's not on any of the other

      Kiss[1] Forum? Battlestar Galactica Forum?

      > What we have now is too much junk, repeats, adverts and pointless programs

      Indeed. Content is expensive, broadcasting is (comparatively) cheap.

      You know we've got too little content to spread around when the Top Gear repeats on BBC2 are older than the ones on Dave. But they keep on adding new channels...


      [1] And J. Geils

  5. Da Weezil

    What we dont need is MORE tv! Why not spend the licence money on some quality stuff instead of celebrity dross and yet another talent show?

    No wonder you gifted F1 to Sky.

    Why cant I opt out of this tv tax as it pays for a broadcaster that is totally irrelevant in my household?

    Thats why Comms in this country are such a joke.. OFCOM has it fingers in too many pies... and an altogether darker place... jack of all trades.. master of none... Abolishing OFTEL etc really was a step backwards

    1. HipposRule

      You can't opt out

      In the same way as I can't opt out of paying a premium for products that advertise on ITV which I never ever watch.

  6. JimmyPage

    Two words (for those old enough)

    Manhattan Cable

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Even more crap TV

    Yeah let's watch Bill Wiggins who's claim to fame is he can play Monopoly with one foot.

    The bar is yet to be lowered further in UK broadcasting, it will make Sky look like a high quality content producer.

    1. Vic

      > he can play Monopoly with one foot.

      You are the first poster I've ever come across who recognises that reference.

      Have an upvote...


  8. John Styles

    How exciting

    It can go bust just like the last one about 10 years ago. Probably quicker thanks to the state of the economy and more people not having terrestrial TV aerials.

  9. AndrueC Silver badge

    What a waste of useful bandwidth. The content is usually boring crap and on an hourly loop. Why not just direct people to a YouTube channel?

    Dozy Ofcom.

  10. dotdavid

    Using all of these valuable frequencies to run new (and probably rather awful) TV channels is a bit like buying the Channel Tunnel and running steam trains through it.

    1. Mage Silver badge

      dotdavid: Not Valuable

      Worthless Frequencies. White Space is a myth. The channels ARE in use enough places that that further use will interfere.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Local TV

    Two words that probably shouldn't appear in the same description of a service.

  12. Mage Silver badge

    We used to have Local / Regional TV

    It was called ITV

    Either the frequencies shouldn't be used at all (as "White space" is a myth) or use needs to be very very carefully licensed. With immediate and permanent closure if any viewers of "main" stations are affected by co-channel interference.

    The Wales/Kippure experience in SE Ireland and parts of Wales shows that DTT is less resilient to Co-channel interference than Analogue. The time for "White Space" experimenting was from 1969, not now.

  13. Dave Bell

    Looks like a Cable TV revival

    I see that Grimsby is on the list.

    It was one of the pioneers for Cable TV, and had local TV on that.

    It didn't work out then. I'm not at all sure that it will work out now. At least, with several miles of Lincolnshire Wolds between me and Grimsby, I can't see it as a problem.

  14. Andy 97
    Thumb Down

    Terrible idea and it doesn't work.

    Oxford has it's own local TV service on UHF called Channel 6.

    It was watched by the mothers of aspiring television presenters and the company existed to provide training for aspiring television presenters and news readers (on their way to 24 hour shopping network contracts).

    You can imagine the number of viewers it got.

    A local TV outfit making the news for (sh) ITV however, that could be interesting....

  15. Kungfugerbil


    Does this city of 170,000 people (Oxford) really need it's own TV station? Everyone knows we just watch re-runs of Morse anyway. The program, not the code. That would be dull.


    1. AndrueC Silver badge

      Be fair, you could pick it up in Bicester as well. That's why I know how bad local TV can be.

  16. John A Blackley

    Tons of uses

    I can think of many programs that could be broadcast on Glasgow local television.

    I'm A Teatotaller, Get me Out of Here.

    Strictly Come Raving

    Big Brother (Will Kick Your Head In)

    ER (the reality version)

    House (Arrest)

    And so on.

  17. Dr. G. Freeman

    already in progress

    So Glasgow and Edinburgh are to get they're own channels- they already have BBC Scotland and STV, so why do they need more ?

  18. Delbert


    I have cable and several hundred channels to access but the content is simply not there. Most is simply recycled tripe anything the least bit notable is available on three different channels .We simply do not need more channels we need fewer and ditch the endless repeats for new material

    rather than further diluting the revenue stream .

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