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Cult comic collective Modern Toss is holding an exhibition this week, showcasing its 2011 catalogue of work, which includes the outfit's mannerless machine, the Interactive Periodic Table of Swearing. Interactive Periodic Table of Swearing The smutty surface, which raised eyebrows when it debuted earlier this year, does …
Meh, whatever. It could well be the flat, synthetic voice but I did not find it amusing, interesting, funny or otherwise. Now, if the phrases -- many of which are local to particular countries/areas/etc -- were properly "announced" in native, colorful fashion you'd have my interest.
"The Word Fuck" is funny and a total classic not because of what it says but because of who says it and how. This one: maybe good for a prepubescent giggle.
Perhaps it is the same use of the word "modern" that we find in "modern art". It expands roughly to "This probably *has* been done before, but it is either derivative or simply not very good and in the past it would have been overshadowed by the works of someone with genuine talent".
This is neither funny nor art IMHO. Your average 6 year old may not achieve the same professional finish by using buttons, but from a concept it does' really get much beyond that age. Just slapping "periodic table" on something boring isn't improving it.
But then again, nobody pays me for my unmade bed. Probably because it's not such a disgusting mess as certain *cough* "artists" can make of it..
Would have been much better with Emma Clarke instead of Mr Generic. Emma was the voice behind all the London Underground announcements before being sacked by them after a newspaper misquoted her (they said that she found travelling on the underground unpleasant at rush hour, heaven forbid!)
Android Modern toss.. (use the search, it's easier... )
reviews on site..
" Just a bit of a problem firing the swears from the full table. Doesn't seem to activate unless you hit on the words."
" Pretty buggy. Even the link to the feedback page doesn't work, hence my leaving this here..."
IF it was free, ad supported. I would try it... but not worth the pennies, when I will dump it when I get bored with it... :(