back to article Stars behind the clouds: Oz government wants ratings

The Federal government has decided that the pursuit of cloud computing is so urgent that it’s just released a cloud issues paper dated October. The report, prepared by industry advisory both the Information Technology Industry Innovation Council (ITIIC), recommends a ramp-up of cloud computing research in this country to be …


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  1. John Tserkezis

    Oh dear.

    You know this can only possibly end badly....

  2. Stephen 10

    It's actually a good idea principle.

    But you know lobbyists representing vested interests will write legislation and it will just turn into another 'tax' for the corporates.

    Still politicians need sinecures when they retire.

  3. bleh_meh

    lather, rinse, repeat


    lemme guess the website name before it disappears after a few short weeks of action;

    an all too familiar story with this government and their ideas..

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