It's a bit rich having your posting history brought up (in lieu of any actual valid point) by someone cowering behind an AC shield.
Just for the record, the two points I made, which you have thus far failed to adequately address;
1) Bill Gates stands to make a profit from his investment if this company succeeds.
From the article:
"The system is being developed by Intellectual Ventures, the investment vehicle and sometime patent troll set up by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold, and taken to market by TerraPower, which is partially funded by Gates."
Now, if that sounds like a benevolent charity to you then I'll have some of what you are smoking.
2) Bill Gates has done immeasurable harm to the IT industry and has destroyed a multitude of innovative businesses in order to protect his illegally leveraged monopoly.
This is a matter of historical record which I am not prepared to argue about.
Now, instead of attacking my posting history from behind an AC cloak how about you actually respond to those points with something that is not arrant nonsense.
Or bugger off, I don't much care either way.
Oh, and "Microsoft facilitated the placement of an affordable computer on every desk" is nonsense. He provides an over priced and underwhelming monopoly OS and forces it to be installed on every PC sold.
How things may have turned out without the drag of the Microsoft Tax holding the industry back is anybodies guess.