Why pay...
When i can use one of several free apps that does the same thing? Or use the saynoto0870 web site.
Database quality between these apps is probably very similar too.
I’d heard about apps and programs that could be used to look up alternatives to premium-rate 08 numbers, but had never really bothered with them before as – apart from my bank – I didn’t really think that I made all that many calls to premium numbers. However, the last bill for my home landline number included a tenner’s worth …
By the looks of it you're on t-mobile from the screenshots, so one thing you could also do is add the 08 number booster, £2.13 gives you 30 minutes of calls to the 0845 brigade. Obviously not perfect or as good potentially but takes those calls down to 7p/min give or take and could be worth it if you haven't got an alternative number to hand.
Vodafone offer something similar, for an additional fee will let you use inclusive minutes for some types of 08 number.
I don't think Orange, Three or O2 have such an option. Obviously the above isn't perfect but it could help in some cases.
Seperately though this "rip off line rental" claim - obviously not substanciated but I'm guessing your line rental gives you a generous bundle of minutes and texts, and probably internet access and probably a subsidised phone, so it isn't necessarily such a "rip off" --- unlike landline line rental where for £10-£15 typically you generally get sod all included and have to pay more generally speaking for "inclusive" minutes. Comparatively speaking, mobiles offer better bang for your buck I would argue.
While these apps are useful and can save you money, you should be careful about using alternative numbers for your bank. Fake numbers may be inserted which include the same background music, welcoming staff and such like but it could all be a ruse to phish details from you.
I use saynoto0870.com since they're very reputable and verify numbers.