Not at all
All you have to do is go to the website, download it and start playing to see what a joy this software is to use. All of the animation I have done in the past has taken me about a week for 30 seconds of video. With Muvizu, I created a pop video in 3 days, and that included learning how to use the software. The software has its limitations, such as only having cartoon characters, but the limitations have to be measured against what can be achieved, animation wise, in an extremely short time, and also against the potential of creating animation this way - the software is still in beta.
Here's the video:, the first animation I made with Muvizu. If I posted the first animation I made with Maya, you would be forced to conclude that Maya is the poorest animation package in the firmament, and if you downloaded and tried to use it, your opinion would be reinforced. It was good enough for Avatar though, and in the hands of a semi-skilled animator/producer, so is Muvizu.