back to article Hacker cuffed in job interview sting with hotel he blackmailed

A job-seeking Hungarian hacker has pleaded guilty to breaking into the systems of the Marriott hotel chain before attempting to blackmail his way into an IT job. Attila Nemeth, 26, sent Trojan-infected emails to Marriott employees late last year, according to his plea agreement, in a move that successfully allowed him to …


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  1. Olafthemighty


    That is all.

    1. Elmer Phud
      Thumb Up

      That's all that came in to my head as well.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        I thought "Numpty", but yes Twat does say enough

    2. James O'Brien

      while twat is accurate

      The only thing that came to mind for me was idiot

      1. LateNightLarry
        Paris Hilton

        While twat is accurate...

        Idiot is too mild a term... I propose calling him an obliviot... short for oblivious idiot, because he certainly is an idiot, and he was oblivious to the consequences of his attempted blackmail... OBLIVIOT...

        Paris, because even she has more sense than to try blackmail...

  2. Anonymous Coward

    $1 million in consultancy fees?

    I think we've found the real criminals...

  3. Chris Miller


    It's worse than that: "Marriott estimates spending between $400,000 and $1m in consultant fees and other costs" - they don't even know how much they've spent (within a factor of 2.5x).

  4. John A Blackley

    $1m is significant

    ....because if they'd only spent $10 then the perp wouldn't be sentenced to such a long time in the pokey and the feds wouldn't be able to make headlines in their "eternal fight against computer crime".

    But I'm not saying they just made up that figure. No sir, not me.

  5. GeorgeTuk

    What an idiot!

    I mean really did it not just seem a bit too easy...

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's all good

    Ship this lad off to prison for 10 years and make him pay treble damages.

  7. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    One way to get an extended stay in the US

    {Courtesy of Uncle Sam naturally}

    The Hungarian economy is in tatters. It's debt is regards as Junk like that of Greece.

    Given that, pehaps he is not such a 'twat' as all that.

    After all, Uncle Sam will be paying for his room & board for a very long time.

    1. Hollerith 1

      Um, do you know anything about American prisons?

      The food isn't that good the rooms aren't great, and you get to be Bubba's playmate. Is that better than a rotten job in Hungary? Or even no jo bin Hungary??

      1. LuMan

        It could be worse, though.

        Instead of jail they could have sentenced him to 10 years in a Marriott hotel!

  8. Chunky Lafunga


    Self extradition fail

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    suitable punishment

    A fitting punishment would be to sentence the guy to have to actually work for Marriott for several years, although that might be considered cruel and unusual.

    anon, as a former Marriott employee

  10. DJ

    Now what do I name my next male offspring?

    Just when the name Attila was getting fashionable again!


    Back to the list of names...

  11. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Attila the Hun?

    Not German, or Mongolian, but still...

    1. Matthew 25


      He is HUNgarian

  12. Friendly Neighborhood Yank

    check your targets

    You don't blackmail your way into a job with the mob. If you don't think that anology is accurate, you haven't delt with a US Corporation.

    1. IglooDude

      Is there a job with any organization that you DO blackmail your way into?

  13. Bucky 2

    I worked with a kid who honestly believed that breaking into someone else's system, then showing them how you did it, was door-opener for a security gig--"If the company's smart."

    Of course, there are examples of corporations who did just that--hired a criminal hacker as a security pro.

    I liken it to running around with a married man. The one thing you truly know about him, is that he cheats.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      not totally accurate

      some married men have permission to 'cheat'.

  14. Framitz

    Makes me go "Hmmm"

    I wonder if this guy was working in Budapest a few years ago.

    I worked a security incident at an RMA center in Budapest for my company. Product was being detected as infected in final inspection.

    We traced the source to a thumb drive used by a guy with a very similar, if not the same name.

    We spend a few thousand investigating and international calling and fired the person once we were sure it was him. Not a single problem from that facility since.

  15. RichyB

    lmao man this guy was stupid.. "Dude i just hacked you.. any chance of a job"

  16. Stevie


    To the organ recycling plant with this idiot! Ditch the brain, it's mush.

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