The shame!
I sometimes go to Asda. Better give up the network engineering and take up something more...basic :-)
Asda is opening the doors to its bargain basement grotto this weekend with supposedly cut-price deals on internet access devices and mobile data tariffs. As El Reg recently revealed, the low-cost supermarket chain is trying to drag shoppers into the internet world, claiming its customer base is probably PC-illiterate. …
So ever drank in a bar frequented by squaddies? Not the most civilised people in the world. I'm sure there are some decent smart people in the army, but too many of them are the kind of knuckle draggers who can only find work as, basically, hired thugs. Not sure where all this must-show-automatic-respect for our "heros" attitude came from. Sure they're doing a dirty job I wouldn't want to do but then again, so are binmen.
Well, I might pick up that blu-ray player, as it's the first one I've heard of with a reasonable price.
People saying they wouldn't be seen dead in Asda - you're not their target market.
I'm sure these will all sell like hotcakes, not because they're competitively priced for the technically literate bargain seeker, but because they'll be marketed cleverly.
Have been to Asda several times and seen some great laptop deals, but you have to check carefully because sometimes they are just okay value and sometimes they are really really cheap.
E.g Dell M5040 for GBP 279:
Great gift.
They also haven't increased their hard drive prices, unlike almost other retailers I've checked. They sell an external 1TB drive for about sixty quid. Looking on ebuyer I'd have to pay that price, if not more, for an internal 1TB drive at the moment thanks to the pesky floods in Thailand.
>£4 a pint (at least in London pubs)
Now you start to understand why some of us choose not to waste our lives in the centre of the universe (as those who live there believe).
I have just spent a pleasant few hours with friends down at my local watering hole drinking Samuel Smiths Bitter which costs £1.66 a pint. Oh how we laughed :)
I bought 4 of those t-mobile rapports for family at xmas. They are now only 49 quid. come with 2gb card. bloody great wee things - google maps (gps), wifi, etc, etc. Absolutely ideal to get the parents into mobile internet. really responsive, fast for surfing. plays angry burds. what more do you want for 50 squid