Joule Lessening Obstacle
We're obliged to the many readers who offered to suggestions as to how to put together a home-made vacuum pump for our forthcoming Rocketry Experimental High Altitude Barosimulator (REHAB) test. Click here for a bigger version of the LOHAN graphic For those of you not yet down with the kids on our Low Orbit Helium Assisted …
Surely you need to test the blast wall first with a controlled explosion? Stacks of unsecured hollow blocks are rather easy to push over. Which means you need another blast wall to hide behind while you test this one, which itself ought to be tested, ad infinitum ...
F.A.R.T. - Firewall Against Rocket Test.
(Because we all like farting around)
OK, if that is a serious blast wall
its totaly useless,
in fact it will make the blast worse, as the blocks will be tumbled over, and you'll have gravity assisting.
try a big bag, filled with earth,
those bags that bulk sand comes in would be ideal.
much more transportable,
and as for the baloon,
a) use Hydrogen not Helium ( it will go higher, )
b) fill ballon only to the point it just lifts the weight, and attach a smaller balloon fully inflated to give initial fast lift.. That then will burst, but the main balloon has the maximum amount it can expand before it bursts . or till the latex freezes / becomes brittle and bursts, what ever is first.
A little contrived:
Anti-Sliver Screen With Astonishing Lopez Likeness
Nice and simple:
ButtWall - Buttressed Wall.
Personal Favorite:
Group Of Besotted Limeys Erecting Walls Of Buttocks
A real stretch but I like it anyway:
Frontal Oblique Negative DefLection Erection Without A Logical Lexicon