What a lousy list of great games.
I mean these are all really good, but why include multiplatform titles. You could easilly filled that list with PSN exclusives that are unparalleled.
Not a single Pixeljunk game on the list? Come on...
Games are expensive these days, with contemporary titles often commanding in excess of £50. Some people even paid thousands for an early copy of Modern Warfare 3. But why should you fork out so much for games on disc when there's plenty of much cheaper and no less entertaining offerings available through your console's network …
Even though a bit long in the tooth now, PixelJunk Monsters is one of the best Tower Defence games on PS3, and co-op multiplayer is awesome. Not to mention having a rather good soundtrack.
Flower is by some definitions not a game, it's still well worth whatever few quid it costs these days.
Burnout Crash is unfailingly amusing to pick up for a few minutes here and there, and features the song Crash by the Primitives, which provides a great earworm for days afterwards.
Sssshhhhh! XBox Live hasn't been hacked. Microsoft said so so it must be true!
Oh, and the Red Ring of Death really only affected less than 1% of XBoxes, and not the 50% I am led to believe. Honest guv! My XBox loving colleague told me. Apparently the Yellow Light of Death is much worse.
Microsoft people! You gotta love them eh. One step away from being 'special' imo.
Love their stuff. Super Stardust HD and its PSP port addicted me half to death. Had a quick bash on Dead Nation's co-op mode, but not given the single player chance to eat my free time yet. Outland looks like fun!
Amazed that Super Stardust isn't on this list, to be honest. It's one of those games that makes me adore my HDTV. I pick it up fairly regularly and run one of the more insane modes/levels, just to let it melt my fucking brain. (And the PS3 processor.)
the one to look out for is Wrecked Revenge Revisited which must surely be due for release any week now.
it's guarenteed to be the best multiplayer fun you've ever had.
it's by the team who did Micro Machines V4 for the psOne and the incredible Mashed games for the PS2. This is basically Mashed, but with flashier graphics and physics. It's going to be awesome!!