back to article Man faces prison after enormous red chopper panics woman

An Ohio man could face six months in the slammer after his enormous red chopper induced panic in a woman. Bill Morrison was busted after the woman spotted his enormous rubber chopper when he entered Corky's Thomastown bar in Akron, Ohio on October 16. The woman called 911 to say a man with long hair, and a trench coat, had …


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  1. Simbu
    IT Angle

    There come's a point...

    el Reg where your proliferate use of innuendo becomes tiresome and annoying. I had to get more than half way through the article to work out WTF you were talking about.

    "Helicopter? No. Motor bike? Nooo... Strange new slang term for penis? Nope. Oh, it's an axe. How disappointing."

    Doesn't make for the timely consumption of news.

    1. Alex King

      Oh come on...

      It's credited to "Team Register" - what do you expect. And have you really not heard "chopper" used as a slang term for penis before?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      a) The keeping-you-in-suspense-bait-and-switch was a bit of humourous writing style.

      b) This story is not news, this is a skateboarding duck. It's not important that it be available for "timely consumption"; what would you have done about it if you had found out thirty seconds earlier, anyway?

    3. Shaun 1

      The headline made me think helicopter, then reading the article I settled on penis. Then re-read it when I realised it was an axe

    4. Code Monkey

      "Strange new slang term for penis?"

      Chopper is a very well-established slang for penis. Get over yourself.

      1. dssf

        Chopper = Penis? Nahhh

        El Reg might come up with "plunger"...

        I too thought a huge, read home-kit helicopter, but that he was overing over her back yard...

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Although I tend to agree with you look on the bright side: you learned a new meaning for a word today, so did I :-)

    6. Sam Liddicott

      me too

      I've had enough of el-reg's innuendo too.

      I come here for the news and the laughs, but the innuendo is getting a bit of a major feature lately, and I don't enjoy it.

      I was a great digg fan but had enough of every third or fourth story trying to foist NSFW porn on me; and so I gave up on digg and haven't used it for over a year.

      I really don't want to drop the register, I've been reading it for over 10 years, but this constant innuendo is just mental porn instead of visual porn; and it puts me off.

      Let's be clear: I don't care if you keep it up or not, but if you don't let up on it, I'll be looking for a news replacement to fill in the gaps that slashdot doesn't pick up.

  2. Voland's right hand Silver badge

    See the photos at the article

    He is quite good actually. He should move to somewhere where his creations are used as props or appreciated instead of being harassed by the police in the middle of nowhere.

  3. Velv

    "no person shall cause the evacuation of any public place"

    Might not be a public place, but someone flashing a big red axe is quite likely to cause many evacuations

  4. James Delaney

    Charges dropped

    Thank god for that.

  5. John Macintyre

    no title

    I'm guessing the Ohio police are cash strapped? Under each picture is a link for 'buy this photo'... er....

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "There come's a point"

    there does indeed. And it is at precisely that point that you switch to other tech news sites (for there are many) that more closely fulfil your requirements.

    If its timely consumption of news you are after, can I recommend reading the bylines before clicking on a news item. With a bit of practice, it becomes easy to discern which articles will be serious and informative analysis and which are frivolous and designed primarily to entertain and amuse.

    Your post reminds me of what I was thinking as I read the article - that there are people in the world (like the woman phoning the cops) who need the state to spoon-feed, tell them what to think and protect them from everything, everywhere.

  7. disgruntled yank Silver badge


    Akron used to be the heart of the American rubber industry. You'd think that the cops, if only out of nostalgia, would be sympathetic to creative uses of the same.

  8. Materialised

    It is a sad day....

    When the man responsible for creating the Emergency Medical Hologram has to resort to this.

  9. Purlieu


    Why, in the 21st century, does everything suddenly have to result in someone going to jail ?

    I mean, you can't shout in the street without some busibody reporting you, this is not 1933 Germany.

  10. BristolBachelor Gold badge

    US Police better than UK in this case

    It seems to go against the news we get in the UK, but it seems that the police there delt with this quite rationally compared to the UK. In London 1 poor sod was shot for carrying a table leg that he had just finished making in a carrier bag.

    However it still seems that prosecuters are trying to nail him because all the murderers, muggers and burglers have been locked up and they are bored, so that goes some way to redress the balance.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    fine that silly woman for being stupid

  12. elderlybloke
    Paris Hilton

    Women are tough etc.

    This poor woman however needs to see a Shrink.

    Just like this one pictured here.

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