>Fox Issue coered by the Conservative Party
I dunno. I can imagine a party/campaign/whatever for the extermination of urban foxes quite easily. I can't quite imagine a rural hunt careering down Brixton high street either...
A new political party has launched on a single issue platform: all wolves must die. At least within the borders of Sweden. Swedish hammer of the wolves, Gunilla Gronvall, has shrugged off accusations of disingenuity to dub her new grouping the Nature Democrats. Gronvall insisted her movement didn't have a problem with wolves …
I think the issue is, from a documentary on the beeb one time, that the wolves in some parts tend to stalk the kids on they way home from school (easy meal) although attacks are rare. Think eternal winter and darkness, kids dropped off by bus etc. Obviously these cases are limited but I'd imagine they meet with an emotive response.
It's merely because of the handful of confirmed reports of wolf attacks on humans in the Fennoscadian area in a *two hundred* year period were on women :p
There have been no recorded wolf attacks on humans in that region since the 1900s, and some of the recorded ones in regions such as Russia appear to be utter nonsense - a wolf carried a 17 year old girl *by the throat* over a four-foot fence? P*ss off. A Ridgeback couldn't do that.
Well, it appears that wolves are the new threat in Sweden, after Larsson's poor grasp of maths.
Why can't the leave them alone? They have every right to be out there as anything else, humans included.
These people seem to fixate on the occasional wolf/fox/dog incident and conveniently ignore the death and injury due to cars (and other human activity) which FAR outnumber them.
And if anyone says "but if it saves one child" then I hope they get their car & driving licence taken away for life, as that will do more good.
Sweden got an absolute rollocking from the EU commission earlier this year for their wolf hunt - which was deemed illegal (wolves are strictly protected under the Bern Convention, to which Sweden is a signatory). They've ended up having to draw up plans to import wolves from Russia to broaden the genetics of their current population, which is dangerously inbred: the population of wolves in southern Scandinavia is pretty much cut off from the rest of the world.
As such, this party will have pretty much zero impact.