Screw this for pickup full of Porcupine burgers!
I have had enough. Enough of moles, and leaks and morons from those investment companies or whatever they are constantly trying to guess what the hell some scum hole of a Chinese factory is making for some bunch of over eager kool aid obsessed idiots of the most titanic nature.
I. Do. Not. Care. Yes this story is the one that has finally driven me over the edge.
Why am I commenting then? Because I can. And because I feel the need to be down voted to death by a group of people so moronically and zealously infatuated with the next "cool" thing that they wouldn't even notice if they got run over by a Challenger 2 at top speed while standing naked in the middle of Time square on New Years Eve!
I can't let El Reg escape my wrath either. Why for the love of all that is blue do you continually, and it seems to me more than ever now, publish these bloody things? What is the point? What is it going to do? If you want to know what a company is going to be doing next year, and you want to tell the world about it, then have the common sense and decency to go straight to the source. As the source will most likely not tell you then steal the damn information. Don't want to steal the information so that you can actually print something tangible? Fine! OK, so stop running these epically pointless and annoying stories and learn some damn patience.
I wonder if this will even get published...