Does most purchases make something the best?
According to articles like this one, the iPad MUST be the best because more iDiots buy them, and a very small percentage probably use them for more than just browsing...
If you say "most sales means the best" then McDonalds MUST be the best food available, right? Oh wait, it's not, it's rubbish food that makes you fat!
Let's not forget that the Fire doesn't have the standard Android Marketplace, instead it only has Amazon's one, which means you can't get ALL Android apps, only the ones that they choose, kind of like saying "I like Android for the flexibility, but let's buy one that isn't flexible at all" - it's cheap but limited
Personally I'd rather have a Transformer, but I already have a netbook, laptop and a Galaxy Nexus, so at the moment there's little point in a tablet - if I want to type, I'll use a keyboard, not loose half of the screen real-estate while doing it :-P