All the rage in Sweden...
loose screwing.
Calle me falta un tornillo
Icon: Always wear a jacket.
Sweden's female university students are enjoying twice as many partners but using fewer condoms than their counterparts of 10 years ago, worrying research has found. At the same time, the number of female students copping to having an STD had doubled, according to the research from Uppsala University, the reports. The …
As we know from the Assange case, in Sweden a woman can retroactively declare rape if her partner didn't use a condom and she claims she wanted him to. Although some Swedish women are undoubtedly daft enough to have unprotected casual sex, just as in any other country, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there's a number of girls trying to exploit the law here.
The definition of 'Girl' varies, depending on context.
'Girls night out' is a favorite amongst what you would call an Adult, and 'Golden Girls' tend to refer to grandmothers.
Girl can be used to refer to a child, Juvenile, Teenager, young woman, or a female of pretty much any age, although in their latter years it is more an affection than an accurate term. Girl is not, in and of itself, defined by their age, only their gender.
Plus you need to remember that the age at which a person can consent to sex can be lower than the age at which they are viewed to be an adult.
Anyhow, I think the study is flawed: We are told of a comparison of two points in time: 1999 and 2011. What about looking at the 70's, 80's and 90's. Are we seeing a change in attitudes, a change in awareness or just things returning to normal?
I really didn't think anyone could be stupid enough to not realise that when I said "girls" it was the common usage referring to adult women, given that sex with children doesn't require *any* withdrawal of consent to be considered rape because consent can't be given. That was clearly a mistake on my part.
Someone asked what a woman would stand to gain by retroactively withdrawing consent: "My client withdraws consent because you didn't use a condom as she wished ... though she would be willing to accept an out of court settlement to not press charges". Revenge is also a possibility - bareback the guy who broke your flatmate/BFF/sister's heart, then get him on the register - but mostly it would be money, I think.
I also want to make it doubly clear that this isn't what everyone who retroactively withdraws consent is doing, or even more than a small minority of them. However, human nature being what it is I'd say it was foolish to think that *nobody* is exploiting the law.
liberated may mean willing to have sex, having it without condoms in a country ripe with STDs (which is any country really) is just plain slutty and stupid.
Way to go and ruin a great article with the facts register ;-)....lots of horny loose women in Sweeden (big surprise) and oh yeah... there teaming with sexual disease.
oh and obligatory pictures..or it didn't happen.
Perhaps they asked the ladies how many partners they had enjoyed sex with. The increase in the numbers here could show that they quality of their partners was improving and someone is teaching them something useful.
Perhaps the out right number of partners isn't changing, and since you can end up with the clap whether you had a good time or not this could indicate just about anything.
Statistics, are they wonderful.
But who knows what they actually mean.
The other high probability skew on these results is the truthfulness of the responses.
Doses of clap are easier to measure, the local clinic can probably give you the number of infections.
But the number of partners is not so easy to measure. Other research has shown that women under claim partners in surveys and men over claim them (this is different to people in long term relationships where in one couple one partner will complain that they are always having sex while the other will complain they hardly ever have sex). Sorry I digress, the difference in reported numbers of partners could be at least partly due to a greater willingness on the part of those surveyed to own up to a number of liaisons.
You only need a few dozen very active guys to sleep with several hundred women to give each of the ladies an average of a dozen partners (and the clap). Human and other primate mating patters do suggest that alpha male types tend to have a much higher number of partners (x10) than their less testosterone enriched counterparts whereas women tend to all have a fairly even spread.
(Statement made from memory so is probably only mildly more accurate than the average Wikipedia article)
Yep my thoughts too...
When you think about it IF the data is true (and I seriously question the accuracy of any sex survey like this) the whole thing is a bit of a contradiction...
Twice the number of partners and twice the number of STD's implies that transmission rate has stayed similar. Form this we infer that rates of infection have stayed similar BUT we are told they have doubled.*
*Of course this is a deliberate gross over simplification (much like the study) of the statistics and ignores many many factors such as
1)Concurrency of partners
2)Frequency and number of encounters
3)Types of STD and their relative eas of transmission
4)Are there actually a few 'sweish super shaggers' who bed thousands and have infected many or is there an even distribution of disease and loving?
Think we need an el reg investigation into this immediately
Regarding STI increase, considering the amount of people carrying the HSV and Chlamydia infections, the statistics need not be too worrying as long as people are getting the medical attention required.
From article, 'In 2009 almost a third of students had had chlamydia, genital warts or some other sexually transmitted disease', you can bet the 'other' is herpes, which can be contracted just swapping spit.
These surveys really should be more responsible by publishing full details of the infections.
I'm always reminded of Big Audio Dynamite's 'Stone Thames' when I read stuff like this.
If one partner says "don't want condom" and the other says "only with a condom", then no consensual sex can take place until one of them backs down.
If neither back down, then that's called rape (and FYI, not just in Sweden)
Given the physical mechanics of heterosexual sex, would you not agree that in transient partnerships the male partner is considerably more likely to be the one saying "don't want"?
A man insisting on not using a condom is a bastard and should be pilloried, but he's also unlikely to be the kind of person who would listen to anyone saying "Young men must start insisting they use a condom".
The men who aren't bastards won't need the partner to 'insist' - a simple 'do you have one' would be enough.
If you're trying to solve a problem, it makes sense to aim at the part most likely to have a noticeable effect.
If course, an encounter along the lines of "I'm drunk, you're drunk, let's have sex!" is pretty likely to mean neither party is thinking about condoms. Thankfully, a fair number of such encounters end up with one of them vomiting on the way to a bed, so never quite getting around to the sex part...
In the 70's the mere mention of the word "Sweden" was sufficient to conjure up an image of pneumatic blondes who were just aching to share their new found sexual freedom with whoever caught them naked on the beach......
Now all I get is the thought of a bad back from screwing together all those bloody Ikea wardrobes....
How times change...
PS ... if there are any Swedish students out there who would like to massage my aching back (Not You Sven!)
It is a survey under students that used the University's health service. Maybe there is a correlation between 1) slutty behavior, 2) non-use of condoms, 3) contraction of STDs and 4) contacting the university health service as oppossed to people not needing health services at all or contacting their GP instead?
Well that outcome is consistent with the trend throughout Europe towards more prudery resulting in less openess about sex, sexuality, sexual health matters and what a surprise, worse outcomes. Before anyone objects, no I don't have any direct evidence that that is part of the cause in this example, but it is consistent with observed patterns..