back to article Apple plugs iTunes Ghost Click hole

Apple has updated its iTunes software to correct a security shortcoming that offered the potential for miscreants to mount man-in-the-middle attacks and appears to have played a central role in the infamous Ghost Click botnet scam. iTunes 10.5.1, released on Monday, is a cross-platform update that addresses a flaw that's most …


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  1. Herba

    I wonder what is being done against people doing those things

    Anyone knows if law enforcement is doing something to catch those hackers? The internet is getting worst every year.

  2. Ross 7

    ISPs + DNS

    I find it odd that ISPs don't block DNS queries at their border (except those to and from their own servers obviously). It'd save the ISPs bandwidth (and thus money) and help protect users.

    You'd get 7 ppl complaining they couldn't use their preferred DNS server, but it wouldn't affect VPN users and any "normal" users.

    I'm not saying bot herders couldn't get around it, but it'd make it cost them more time/money which makes you less of a target.

    On a second note, why are Apples patches *always* so freaking large?! Are they patches, or are they actually just the whole binary?

    1. Jess

      Seems like the core of a good idea.

      > You'd get 7 ppl complaining they couldn't use their preferred DNS server, but it wouldn't affect VPN users and any "normal" users.

      All that is needed is a whitelist of known good DNS servers. e.g. opendns

    2. Annihilator


      The minute an ISP starts arbitrarily blocking DNS queries is the minute I leave said ISP, and I think the number would be greater than 7. Many of their DNS servers are rather shaky to say the least and basic to boot. My entire family have been put onto OpenDNS specifically to use their blocking services. You're forgetting that the simplest way to tamper with a DNS lookup is via the hosts files, which limiting the DNS server wouldn't prevent.

      Quite how much bandwidth you think that DNS queries take, I've no idea, but in the grand scheme of things I'd be amazed if it were even a tenth of a percent.

  3. Annihilator

    I wonder

    Does this latest version finally support concurrent copies of iTunes running on a Windows machine so that if my girlfriend has left it running on her account, I can run it when I switch user accounts to mine?.. Checks... nope, what a surprise.

    Though to be fair, it's only a 55MB download, not 120MB. But still, Lord forbid they do incremental hotfixes like they've finally figured out how to do on iOS.

  4. The Dark Lord

    iTunes update

    10.5.1 also doesn't fix random UI pauses on high-spec Windows 7 machines.

    But, unforgivably, it required a reboot! What is this, 1997? Christ Apple, get a freaking grip on your packagers!

    1. Annihilator


      It asks you to reboot. Clicking "not now, later" ended with a perfectly functioning version of iTunes.

      Many installers ask for a reboot. Very few require it!

  5. Alan 6

    Another reason why iTunes is coming off my PC the minute my Cowon S9 arrives...

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    >"This might have been abused to offer a Trojaned version of iTunes"

    Of course, since they've already got malware running on the machine that could just download and install anything it wanted any time, that would be pretty pointless.

  7. Glenn Charles

    Apple phishing

    I've gotten several lately. Since I don't want Apple products and have nothing beyond the necessary basics installed, they've evidently picked up the e-mail address somewhere, but not the name.

    Updates? bah, I love getting hacked.

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