The building has nothing to do with it - the point is, it's a phone made under the direction of an online retailer - it will be made to their spec and the OS (which as I mentioned is based on that one made by, yes, an advertising company no less) will be tweaked to their liking. The fact it's actually assembled by a far-east company is completely irrelevant, they're just doing what Amazon tells them to.
Amazon's and Google's business models are all about making money from, respectively, selling you high-street general bumf and putting adverts in front of your eyeballs. Android, and this Amazon phone, are simply vehicles to achieve those aims, and nothing else.
The fact that the article implies the Amazon phone will be sold at zero profit, or even at a loss, demonstrates this perfectly obviously, so why can't you see that?
At least Apple and Microsoft/HTC/Nokia/Samsung are proper hardware/software makers so their raison d'etre is to make money from making a good product out of good hardware and good software.
The recent "What Mobile" magazine Mobile Phone of the Year 2011 award went to the Nokia Lumia 800, running, of course, Windows Phone. There's your proof, right there.