How can 12 be an "r" most are just pointless anyway. still therll be appearing on a corsa and peugeots 208 near you soon.
The Register has obtained a list of the rudest words you'll never see on car number plates: the official list of banned registration marks from the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Authority (DVLA). We almost don't want to sully the pure reputation of our website by publishing all the combinations of letters and numbers on our …
In some ways it could be useful - if convicted paedophiles had to drive around with the plates that plates like that it might save an innocent.
On the other hand as soon as people are judged by their car plate it's slippery slope.
I personally think that vanity plates should be banned, and plates certainly not transferable - the vehicle gets it's plate and it stays with the vehicle until it's scrapped.
Unless of course we go for a system that relies on people getting a plate (or plates) that are registered to them (i.e. you need to pay road tax and insurance before you get a plate) before they can drive a vehicle.
Unless it's stolen you know that a car with a plate is insured.
I saw a car mincing around our town (inasmuch as a car can be said to mince) and it was sporting the number plate "SIR NO".
Well, it made me laugh. I just hope it wasn't a wayward headmaster driving that vehicle. Anyway, I felt no inclination to write in to the Daily Mail. We are supposed to be eccentric Brits, after all.
PEN15 exists as well - I saw it a number of years ago, and appropriately enough on a red Porsche 911. In Hampstead, North London, some dickhead has MAF1A on a black 7 series BMW. When my Sicilian wife saw it at the petrol station in Belsize Park she took the time to walk up to the driver and call him something extremely offensive in Sicilian dialect. I don't think he understood the words, being most probably Russian, but judging by the shock on his face the way she said them must have imparted the meaning.
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A friend used to work for a company whose initials were FAG. All of the company cars (his included) had numberplates with FAG on it (he lovingly referred to his as the Fagmobile). So clearly not all combinations with FAG are banned. I think these were just from the normal licenseplate issue rather than custom plates though...
Not the same system here obviously, but yes, they do all read "dickhead" or some equivalent in my eye.
Except for the one I saw the other day: 386 TWM
Now THAT's a statement. Also, here (licensed) ham radio operators get their own category of plates (which reads one's call sign). How cool is that?
The nutter from Slade originally had registration plate YOB1 - and I know that plate must live somewhere around the Berkshire area where I've seen it a couple of times, last time about 3 weeks ago on the Ascot road.
I saw L1NUX being sported on a BMW round there a while back too. That must've been the Microsoft UK head honcho then.
A local favourite a few years back was D3lBOY (Del Boy). Might still be around, but the rozzers must have had a word because the letters had previously been physically arranged to make sure the meaning was spelt out, more recently they've been changed to fit in with government policy. Which is just plain daft in my book - if someone saw "DEL BOY" accelerating away from a crime scene they'd remember that plate much more easily than "D31 BOY".
It's as much about ANPR recognising as it is about punters remembering.
If you can't be ANPR'd because you've adjusted your number plate, plod can't easily check whether you're taxed, MOTed, insured, etc, and/or whether your vehicle is "of interest to the police and security services".
If you can't be ANPR'd because you've adjusted your number plate they can of course in theory have a word with you about that. But how many people ever receive "words of advice" on that subject?
Never seen the point of such registrations. If you want everyone to know you're a "B00B" (a reg plate I've seen) then put a sticker in the back window.
Given how few traffic police there are around you could probably just put a fake plate on with whatever you like. I've seen enough plates with illegal fonts and altered characters to think that nothing is being done about them. I can only assume these people don't have an MOT or swap the plate over (why bother, do you not have anything better to do?).
Back in A reg times, a local BMW dealer grabbed a lot of plates.
I remember such ones as A323BMW on a ... BMW 323i I think they managed most of the models.
Seen A1 LBW - used to be a sponsor car for a cricketer, last saw with a white bloke & suit on a Cavalier, rather than black bloke in cricket whites on a base level 3 series.
Also seen MY 750 on a BMW 750.
For all you ones going on and on about 'ME WANT TA12DIS!!!!111ONELOLZ'
This is NOT an allowed plate format in the GB system. 'I' is reserved for NI plates, and will not be seen on the ABnn CDE format plates. ('Z' is, however, now allowed).
The closest you might get might me 'TA12 DSS' or similar.
Once saw L18NUX for £250, considered it. L1NUX was going for £25k.
A few years ago I saw a BMW with the plate: M1 NGE.
I would support a ban though and even help compile a list of naughty words - if the money was right (I can't afford too much at the moment).
I was giving my Mother a lift one day and we stopped at the lights behind a big 4x4 with a camouflage paint job and monster truck tyres. "Oh look!", she said. "That car's got a number plate that says big gun." It actually read B16 CUN but I decided not to correct her.
in the enlightened Isle of Man we must be far too innocent, ranging from MAN 1C to MAN 1A, a perennial classic - 8008 MAN, and of course the reverse for the brave. For the down at heel it's gotta be - MAN 61E. I'm sure H1 MAN is out there somewhere, but my personal favourite is one Vicars ride which in these apparent times of strife remains unmolested - MAN 4 60D, every journey has the potential to bring a smile with the creative slanting and spacing, until they are brought back into line by the boys in blue.
Fittingly, being a motorsport heaven we've also got F457 MAN