back to article Chinese boffin uses panda poo for world's priciest cuppa

A Chinese biologist has collected five tons of panda crap which he plans to use to make cancer-fighting tea, which will sell at a cup-dropping $36,000 a pound. An Yashi, a lecturer from Sichuan, reckons the panda scat is chock full of cancer combating substances, making it an ideal fertiliser for green tea - already famously …


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  1. Arnold Lieberman

    Tastes like shit to me

    Was that too obvious?

  2. Simon Neill


    This coffee tastes like shit.

    It IS shit Austin.

  3. phlashbios

    Blizzard will rake it in...

    With Blizzards upcoming expansion to World Of Warcraft,entitled "Mists Of Pandaria" and featuring Kung-Fu Panda's as the main part of the expansion, does this mean a corresponding increase in the price of virtual panda shite as well ?

    Activision, those, cunning, cunning owners of Blizzard, must surely see this lucrative opportunity to glean yet more wonga from their 12 million subscribers.

  4. The Original Ash
    Thumb Down


    What is this fascination with poop drinks?! If I want a posh coffee, I'll get Jamaican Blue Mountain at £70 a pound, sans villi and mucosa.

  5. TRT


    the coffee *IS* shit.

  6. Ian Ferguson

    The Kopi Luwak coffee beans are softened by the process and produce a noticeably less bitter taste.

    Panda poo probably won't make the tea taste any worse - herbivore poo tends to be much less abhorrent than carnivore or omnivore poo (rabbits, for example, will frequently eat their own droppings to have another go at digesting grass) - but I'm dubious about the health benefits. Is this according to Western (scientific) medicine or Chinese Traditional (folklore) Medicine?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Western medicine is not scientific

      It is driven by Marketards now - check out Zostavax, for example. Here we have a shingles vaccine marketed to old people with weak immune systems but which should not be administered to old people with weak immune systems.

  7. Some Beggar

    Some people will buy any old shit if you tell them it cures cancer.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      One wonders what the Daily Mail is gonna think of this.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wonder

    where he got the idea.

    Had a cup of tea or coffee at McDonalds perhaps?

  9. Christoph

    They're just trying to panda to people with more money than sense.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cappuccino anyone

    At last something to rival Baldrick's coffee in Black Adder Goes Forth.

  11. TRT
    IT Angle

    On the plus side...

    if there's a viable commercial application for the panda, then it makes it easier for the people in power to give a shit about their survival.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      fair exchange

      they get to take the shit when the pandas are saved

      and then profit...

      capitalism at work, no?

  12. hi_robb

    Does this mean that you get a black and white coffee simultaneously in one cup?


  13. Kernel

    Kopi Luwak

    The coffee we get at work is a local variety of Kopi Luwak - it tastes like some passing cat has pee'd on it.

    1. alwarming

      "it tastes like some passing cat has pee'd on it."

      Maybe the vendor at your workplace has a personal "interpretation" of Kopi Luwak.

      (Meaning it actually has cat pee ?).

  14. Mediocrates

    Clearly, the name for this product should be...


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Lapsang Poochong?

  15. Chris Fleming

    Title should be..

    Who Flug Dung reports...

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