Not correct
"...It was 13 November 2006 when Sun Microsystems bowed to sustained and long-running pressure and finally open-sourced Java under a license everybody could agree on.... "
Sun did not bow to pressure.
Sun wanted to standardize Java for a long time, but got hindered by MS. MS motivation was that it unhealthy for a single company to exert too much control over a standard. Recently, MS do exert that much control over the OOXML standard. When Sun does it, it is bad. When MS does it, it is good?
Here is a discussion of Sun trying to standardize Java from 1997
I did a quick google and could not find the article discussing MS hindering Sun to standardize Java long time ago, but if someone requests it, I can sit down and google and find the article again and post it here. But fact is that MS hindered Sun's Java standard attempts. Sun did not bow to pressure, MS hindered it.