Whate a shameless excuse for an article.
More please :)
Women wanting the protection of Bulgarian airbags in a car crash situation, but wary about going under the knife will be reassured that a couple of pairs of chicken fillets makes an ample substitute. The road safety breakthrough is reported in the Daily Mail, which recounts the heartwarming story of a 28-year-old Scots woman …
Hmm, looks like an interesting story... oh, what? No ... no, I don't want to take a survey thanks, sliding feedback box that just obscured what I was trying to read. Ahh, closed. That's better. Whaaa? 10 seconds into the reading and ... another pop-up box inviting me to take a survey? Meh, sod it. Can't be bothered <closes article and goes to another site>.
Sad to see El Reg descending down the slippery slope of intrusive pop-up/slide-in adverts that obscure the content until you are forced to dismiss them. I'll be enabling adblock plus on the Register from now on... I'd held off until now because it's a good read often as not, but after two annoying pop-ups in 10 seconds, I'm nuking all your ads, grrrrrr.
As far as I was aware, not wearing a seatbelt is a criminal offence, so why aren't the police charging her?
must have been clear from the injuries that she had not been wearing the seatbelt.
Oh yeah "boo hoo I'm a hurt girly who brought this on myself through crap driving, not wearing a seatbelt and I'll cry and cry till you feel sorry for me"
Another liability that should be NOWHERE near the controls of a car
What's that got to do with it? She's obviously a bloody liability on the road and if she's that cavalier about her own safety, I hate to think what it's like to be a road user near her. The roads are dangerous enough without self-confessed fools making things worse. And yes, I am angry, having been crippled by a half-asleep bint in a RTA earlier this year.
In the Daily Mail article linked from TFA, it says `She said: 'I was driving home from work, stupidly not wearing my seat-belt, when I lost control of my car and crashed on a slippery wet road."'
AC because I'm implicitly admitting to following a link to the DM.
"Unfortunate"? Or was is that she lost control because she was driving *too fast* for the "treacherous conditions"?
The recent tragedy on the M5 shows the dangers of driving too close together and too fast for the conditions, yet still idiots do that and then consider themselves "unfortunate" when they get involved in accidents.
Too stupid to wear a seat belt, works for an insurance company and now she's getting fake boobs? Damn it there was me almost curious what she was like, having a soft spot for scottish girls and everything, even with a triple-A figure. Ah well, guess nowhere has a 100% hit rate for appealing women.
No I'm not a perv, I'm a similar age to the girl in question... just a lot more grown up than most people my age, never mind this dippy bat.
"According to the Mail Lisa Somerville was driving in a "violent rainstorm on a notorious stretch of road" near Glasgow while wearing a double set of "chicken fillet" bust enhancers in her bra. Somerville had regularly "doubled up" since her teens to augment her otherwise AAA figure."
What's her credit rating got to do with it, despite being better than Italy's?