back to article Microsoft releases fix for Applocker bypass flaw

Microsoft has released a temporary fix for a flaw in its latest operating systems that allows untrusted users to bypass security measures preventing them from running unauthorized applications. AppLocker allows administrators to restrict the applications that can be run on computers running Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Funny how MS always release software and then discover it has flaws, bugs etc.

    Do they not think to test it first?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      re: Funny...

      "Do they not think to test it first?"


      No, that's the job of the end users ...


      "This article applies to a different operating system than the one you are using. Article content that may not be relevant to you is disabled".


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "Article content that may not be relevant to you is disabled"

        Truly useful that. So to know all the details relevant to your shop you have to "surf to" that url once each for all operating systems of theirs you have to support. Implying again that you have to have one workstation running each on your desk. Oh, alright, maybe some/all are virtual and so on, but that's not the point. How much must you've paid for certifications and most valued partner gold statuses do you need to hear the magic dance to get everything in one page? And to get it clearly marked as to which part applies to which?

        I somehow consistently fail to have second thoughts about my decision to never support anything of theirs again; this sort of thing just reinforces it even more.

    2. kain preacher


      can the mods please delete any future post saying that MS should not release software that needs patching or has bugs. Can you show me a modern day OS that has been released with a out a single bug ? I get it you have blind hatred of MS. If Bill gates gave away the cure to aids for free m you would accuse him of creating aids.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Of course the mods could...

        ... reject posts that you happen to dislike. But that happens to not be the standard here. You can say anything you want (including calling for malarky like that, which is easily constructed as censorship to protect your poor fanboi sensibilities) except that which /the mods/ find offensive, likely to be libellous, that sort of thing.

        As to OSes with no bugs, well, OpenBSD comes fairly close for one. You have a point that exactly zero is not to be had but there is a large chasm between appearing to do your best and appearing to not even be trying. There is a good case to be made for this particular company erring on the latter side. There's also plenty of historical data to back it up. So as objective truth goes, your argument is actually poorer than that AC's.

        As to accepting the cure to aids from saint bill for free, I'd be honestly hard pressed because of all the blood money involved. I'd probably shrug, take it and move on in the end, but it'll take me a while. Your mileage may vary, of course.

        Just like I shrugged and moved on, declining to be a sysadmin for anything windows any longer. I'm not expecting you to do that; it's just that _I_ would much rather play with unices of some kind or another. The one of my preferred choice actually comes with pretty good documentation even if its security track record is not exactly as good as OpenBSD's. But still closer to that than to redmond's.

        Anyway. What is a good discussion without a bit of dissent now and then? If you can't take the heat, maybe you'll be happier in a fanboi forum of the flavour you prefer, where everyone agrees? And maybe your reaction actually shows more of what preconceptions you read into certain comments than are actually there.

  2. Whitter

    Small dish in a small pond.

    Applocker isn't supported by Windows 7 Home or Professional, which I'd guess have more than 99% of installs between them I reckon. So what number of "Windows 7" users have the functionality available and the desire to use it?

  3. heyrick Silver badge

    Oh My God...

    I thought sitting at a computer and effectively typing in "BYPASS ALL SYSTEM SECURITY" was something that only happened in sci-fi movies!

    Wait, hang on, did that cat just walk by twice...?

    1. Tom 13


      he Walked Through Walls.

  4. Mystic Megabyte

    @heyrick lol

    Can we please have a Patrick McGoohan icon for Mactards?

    He would have just typed in WHY? and the whole thing will crash.

  5. Psymon

    irony overload from the openbsd fanboi

    Yet again, the nix zelots mistake security by obscurity for perfection in code.

    This argument is tiresome and tedious. Especially from an OS that uses Kerberos protocols from the stone age, laughably simplistic ACLs, no concept of domains or computer accounts, and up until very recently, easily crackable RC4 encryption.

    At least MS fix their security vulns, instead of bickering for months on end as to wether it actually IS a vulnerability. Then again, in the slow moving world of the sleepy nix, a few months make no difference because nobody's bothered about trying to exploit it.

    I've tried various nix solutions, and found them lacking. Everytime we try to intergrate some nix based system, without fail, we have to switch off huge swathes of security settings on our MS systems to make them (and here's the important word) BACKWARDS compatible.

    Just this week I've have to switch off AES128 and AES256 because some idiot bought a solaris server, and don't get me started on the IPv6 switchover! Yet again, the only things that broke were non-MS.

  6. Fehu

    Awesome job of satire

    I laughed so hard I peed myself. O, you're not serious, are you?

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