Power usage
Not surprised they don't quote power usage in the specs, but any chance of putting this brute on a meter - so long as it doesn't break it?
With Samsung’s domination of the LED TV market all but complete (bwahahaha!) it’s perhaps easy to forget the brand is a major purveyor of plasma screens too. Its current largest is the 64in D8000, which with stand weighs in at over 38kg and dominates all but the largest of living rooms. Samsung PS64D8000 64in plasma 3D TV …
There has been a consistent issue of Samsung's plasma TVs screen cracking internally (the exterior screen is intact). Samsung states their warranty does not cover physical damage and such incidents are considered just that even though it happens without anyone touching the screen.
I have a Samsung LCD and haven’t had any problems over the past 3 years I’ve had it and consider Samsung a decent product. However it seems that these plasma TVs have a design flaw and Samsung is refusing to accept it. Just a warning because if you are going to put out a good chunk of money for this set, hopefully it will last more than a few hours. This may be a case to get the extended warranty offered by places like Best Buy if they cover physical damages caused by ghosts or aliens and not by Samsung design flaws.
I have a 55 D8000, and wouldn't have bought it if the bezel was anywhere near the size of the model being reviewed!
I'm not an LED convert tbh (plasmas do produce a better picture), but the practically bezel-less viewing experience of the D8000 still looks brilliant. I'm looking forward to when phones/computer screens catch up.
I returned a 55 inch Samsung LED (D7000) due to severe backlight bleeding. I won't touch them until they can manufacture them reliably. Other than a poor picture, the set looked nice.
I'd go for one of these though and no Variable Black issue unlike the Panasonics. Not sure a studwork wall could take it !
I just purchased the 59" version of this set, basically, same features, picture quality, etc. at 1/4 the price. In a word -- "stunning"; I could not be happier. No buzz. No visible IR. I did run the downloadedable color slides on it for about 30 hours -- that's it. Totally thrilled with my 59" set -- if you can afford the considerable price increase to get the 64", go for it!