Still pretty generous
As Xbox content is per console, and even per-account. So you need multiple Xbox Live Gold accounts on a single console to play 1 title on 1 console for multiple users.
Sony announced today that future games purchased on the PlayStation Network will only be granted activation on two devices at any one time - down from the current number of five. While that applies to all PS3 owners and anyone with a PSP of some kind, have no fear, there is an easy workaround. The company is introducing an …
from the Playstation blog:
'Sony Computer Entertainment plans to provide a new PlayStation Network account management website where users will be able to deactivate particular devices attached to their PlayStation Network account via their PC.'
which is nice, since before there was no way to remove broken devices, or systems you can't get to.
This is the sort of stuff generally that annoys me more generally and not in this particular case (mostly cause I have no Playstations etc)
But I do have for example a lot of android devices, and they're all mine. They're all signed in with the same google account - and I do use them all. So why exactly does the actual device being used have anything to do with it?
Find a way to track simultaneous use or something sure, that I can understand, but really? Limit the number of devices, that sounds like a low-tech, nasty cop out - as time goes by it is certain we'll have more devices on average - that's how things are developing.
While it is pretty bad that we'll lose the 5 PS3 activations, the ability to remotely deactivate PS3s compensates for that. I'm on my third PS3 (first one had defective BD drive, second never got past 3.15 because of the OtherOS issue) so I'd be screwed if they didn't add the deactivation feature!
While it's not going to inconvenience most people, I honestly don't get the point. Steam will let you log in to your account from a range of devices, operating systems and versions, and get your games on all of them. You can only actually *use* any one given device at once, but that's the same as PSN.
Where I can see this potentially causing a problem is in anything that runs on both PS3 and PSP. I've already got one of each, and before long I'll have a Vita too, so Playstation Classics might be an arse...
I'm not sure what you meant by *use* but I have logged onto my friends PS3 and downloaded all my psn games. He can now play them whenever he wants to even though he is logged in as himself. I can still play the same games at the same time at home. In other words we currently share what we buy.
I suspect you meant that you are not meant to do this but you certainly can do it.
Another feature culled by Sony. Wait for the hacks and cracking of content to grow as a direct result. Some companies never learn. Sony the kings of clawing back features. I wonder what's next to be removed?
What surprises me is idiots applaud being shafted. Sheep with mad cow disease?
Some have questioned the idea of multiple systems... I have a very good reason to have 3 PSP compatible systems, and less good reasons 3 for PS3 ones.
On the PSP front, I have a PSP3000, a PSP Go, and will be buying a PSVita. They all excel in different areas. The Go works great on the TV, can have an external controller, and is very small. I take it with my on normal day to day activities when I might have a minute or three to play. The PSVita has better battery life than the Go and a larger screen, so when I know I'll be playing some games, I'll probably take it with me. The PSP3000 can have tremendous battery life, up to 18 hours with 2 battery packs. I take it with me on very long plane trips or road trips... Now I'll have to make the hard choice of exactly where I'm going to be playing each game, or I can just decide that I'm going to take my DSiXL on long trips and leave the PSP at home instead.
If Sony could make one system that had all of the features, instead of releasing 3 separate partially crippled systems, it would make their choice a little saner.
On the PS3 front, my wife and I both have PS3's in our bedrooms hooked up to computer monitors, and we have a 3rd one on the main TV in the living room. It's a pain to move them around after all. I'll probably sell the noisy one and make the quiet one mobile here once they put this into effect.
What's wrong with that, me and my missis watch telly in different rooms, we each have big tv's and both have a humax freesat box.
She has a new xbox 360 and a separate dvd player.
I have nothing, oh, I recently connected my PC to the tv, but I only use it for internet occasionally.
We watch totally different tv.
Can't imagine how we used to watch the same telly years ago.