Nice Belvoir
But did they get it stuffed themselves?
Hacktivists mistakenly attacked a French rugby fansite instead of their intended target, the German stock exchange. The misdirected assault meant the website, a fan site for French second division side rugby club Dax, was unavailable for two weeks. Meanwhile the hackers' intended target, the German stock exchange …
"by a young, spotty, masturbating, no-mates, lives-with-his-mum Teutonic twattish pizza-chomping virgin who'll get his lights punched out when the team come round to his council house."
Is it childlike high school 16yo insult day today!? From what I remember of school, it was the morons, themselves terrified of being picked upon, who formed into packs of equally limited dimwits for strength in numbers who launched insults like this upon those people who were able to show a degree of individuality by not devolving into pack behaviour.
And as for masturbation, surveys have shown that sexually active men (and women) do it as often as those who aren't. Ever wondered why your local narcissistic Don Juan goes through so much Kleenex?! And we all know who he's thinking about whilst he exercises his wrist........
Grow up!
A fine rant, sir, with the best of motives; however, I do believe that Mr McCoatover was satirically emulating the style of a rugby player*, rather than speaking from the heart. It will be some time yet afore the Mail Morlocks infest the catacombs of El Reg.
*or more likely, a fan of the round ball, for we all know that rugby is a thug's game played by gentlemen, whilst football is a gentleman's game played by thugs.
Paris, for she (I am told) enjoys a good solid tackle.
Surely there is only one way to reply to that: You don't frighten us, English [German] pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English [German] K-nig-hts.