It's to commemorate the anniversary of Ceefax.
The BBC homepage is on an outage at the moment, with visitors greeted with a stripped down version of the normal site. Screenshot of the BBC homepage at 13:42 Fri Nov 4 2011 Whoops A little info icon directs you to the following explanation: Due to technical problems, we are displaying a simplified version of the BBC …
BBC News has been regularly failing to load for me for over a week; sometimes taking 5-10 refreshes to see anything but a blank, white screen.
But then I am currently in China
Ironically, it is currently working perfectly for me, and has done all day.
Orwell that ends well. or possibly a reference to the GFWoC. Take your pick.
I spend a lot of time viewing "Page Source" browser options, in fact tearing CNN pages apart years ago was how I started in to HTML, and I wonder if people just how much clutter is loaded in to some of the larger sights. If you combine them with the separate CSS and Script pages it is hardly surprising they take so so long to load.
So this new, lean BBC index page is a welcome change, as many have noted.
High speed InterNet connections seem to have become the answer to lazy coders.
The Independent, the UK newspaper, has recently undergone a 'revamp', and what a farce it has been. I am still wondering which browser can usefully handle the expression: "height: 69.00325000000001px".
One thing many sites screw up on is in their index pages. Countries that filter news often allow the whole of the Index page to be displayed. Unfortunately, the CSS and Script pages are blocked which severely degrades the presentation.
For sometime now, web pages authored by my employer have included full CSS and Scripts in the Index page so even in China they look as intended. It is also surprising how many web authors miss the SKIP link when the first page uses Flash. Even today, many companies do not allow Flash content to be displayed for security reasons.