back to article Nude lady recreates Star Wars tauntaun scene in dead horse

An Oregon woman who posted photos of herself reclining nude and spattered with equine bodily fluids in the carcass of a dead horse has declared she was partly inspired by Star Wars. Jasha Lottin and her friend John Frost came to the attention of authorities in Oregon after an animal lover in South Carolina took exception to a …


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  1. Citizen Kaned

    fucking yanks...

    the land of the 'free' and mental

    1. pepper

      Bear Grylls says hello

      It's not just the yanks, the tea sniffers also have quite the habit of climbing into animals.

    2. json

      or "bloody yanks"

  2. Drakkenson


  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ...riding it and use it as beast of burden is OK, but posing nude with it is a no no. If she was dressed, would it be more or less revolting?

    What, didn't *someone* use chunks of something very similar to a horse as a dress before? Was there any fuss back then? Thought so.

    I am shocked and disgusted by what she did, but I wouldn't interfere with her freedom of speech. Use its fur (or skin) on the raw, while you're at it. Eeeeww.


    1. Blitterbug

      She bought & shot it just for the pics... to hell with her free speech, that's just foul.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        IT Angle

        Re: She bought & shot it just for the pics... a certain country only a few miles from the UK they do far worse to horses. They kill them and then eat them.

        btw, 32 is pretty old for a horse. They probably did it a favour.

        1. Allan 1

          Nothing wrong

          Nothing wrong with eating horsemeat, any more than there is eating cow meat.

          Just because you consider horses to be what is effectivly a large pet,...

          However, this woman is just... foul.

        2. Spoonsinger

          Re:- hey kill them and then eat them.

          Yep, because it's actually quite nice. Also not so long ago we, (i.e. the UK), did the same. Tastes and general ignorance changes overtime.

  4. Alastair Dodd 1


    So that's why they skinned the horse - weirdos

  5. detritus

    I'm torn on this - on the one hand, what the hell is going through her goddamn first-world-spoilt mind? On the other - what the hey? We're all part of Gaia's great bonanza, all flesh and blood, all creatures born without morals or guidance, so as long as no earthly suffering was felt by any party, what does it matter?

    Back on to the other hand— what the hell?!

    1. Aaron Em


      Rich coming from somebody with leisure to babble about it on the Internet, &c., &c.

    2. Trokair 1

      Indifference is the word

      I don't care if she lined up 15 dead horses and had a naked orgy on them and I don't think anyone else should either.

      We (as a planet) spend way too much time preoccupied with what other people are doing. We also waste far too many resources on animals for no apparent reason. Tree huggers will be quick to point out that it is "a precious life form" but don't mind swatting bugs, using antibacterial soaps (the ones that use soap), etc. because those life forms are a direct inconvenice to them. Personally I don't care at all what you do with animals as long as it is within the law, it doesn't inconvenience me, and you clean up your mess. The fact that we have homeless people that are actually looking for help that can't get any while PETA holds fully catered rallies shows how stupid the whole "pets are people too" crowd really are. If our ancestors had been that idiotic we as a species would have died out long ago.

  6. TRT


  7. Big Al

    Opportunity missed.

    After all, she could have put on the dominatrix gear and gone for the full 'flogging a dead horse' thing...

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I foresee

    A future involving either time in jail or a lot of conversations with shrinks.

    1. Geoffrey W

      I foresee a future in the art world and an exhibition at the Tate Modern. Tracey Emin will be eyeing this with interest.

    2. Armando 123

      I foresee an NEA grant.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "Beast killed with .300 magnum, not light-sabre"

    <comicstore guy>


    It was cold that killed the TaunTaun. Not a light-sabre.

    </comicstore guy>

    1. Aaron Em


      Please. Any *real* fan would know it was spelled just 'tauntaun', no CamelCase required.

      Of course, anyone sensible would know that something described as a 'reptomammal' on the Star Wars wiki isn't worth arguing about in any further detail, but if I were sensible then I wouldn't be commenting here, would I?

  10. Ian Stephenson

    Too late

    Bear Grylls did it with a camel.

    Maybe I need to rephrase that....


    1. PikeyDawg

      TY - I needed that today

    2. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      RE: Too late

      Years ago I read the Star Wars idea of using the dead mount as an igloo was inspired by a Red Indian legend of a warrior that hid from his enemies on the battlefield by gutting and crawling inside his dead pony.

      1. Bumpy Cat

        RE: Too late

        IIRC, some of Napoleon's soldiers did the same on the Retreat from Moscow.

  11. fishman

    All this fussing

    It's like beating a dead horse.

  12. John Hawkins
    Thumb Up

    Lady Godiva eat your heart out...

    Or perhaps the horse's heart as the case may be. Heck of a woman at least - don't see why people are going crook about about her.

  13. Aaron Em

    Nothing too shocking

    if you've ever been present to see a deer gutted. Nudity is a bit unusual in that circumstance, I will grant, but she's not at all hard on the eyes, and I'd be lying if I didn't admit the predator ape in the back of my brain didn't find the scene at least somewhat appealing.

    You would be too. But don't let me stop you.

    1. Trokair 1
      Paris Hilton

      Had the same thought

      A bit strange but not at hard on the eyes for a carcass exploring nudist.

  14. Skizz

    It didn't happen...

    ...unless we see the Playmobile reconstruction!

    1. Trokair 1

      No Need

      There are actual pics, no reconstruction required.

  15. Rich 2 Silver badge



  16. Camilla Smythe

    What is this new definition of extreme deathsex bestiality?

    "Culminating with a nude Lottin climning into the carcass of the animal, and then eating it."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I guess that would depend on exactly what is meant by "climbing on".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        ... and ...

        also what's meant by "eating it".

  17. b166er

    Is that Kaned as in S&M or Kaned as in stoned?


  18. leon stok

    besides the obvious WTF..

    It would have made a hell of a lot better pics in the snow.

    (and without the stupid grin on her face, which sort of seems to make her claims of 'being one with the animal' sound the same as if she was eating a horse-burger.)

  19. Paul Shirley

    meat dress

    Lady Gaga did it with more style ;)

    1. Francis Boyle


      for <some> value of style.

  20. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


    So an "animal lover" took offence?

    And he was at the 4-chan watering hole?

    Say no more!

  21. Shane8

    Today ?

    Sounds like a friday story to me!

  22. TRT


    After the numbness from seeing those pictures has subsided... did it remind anyone else of that scene from Carrie?

    1. Olafthemighty
      Thumb Up


      Apart from the smiling and the lack of clothes, yes.

  23. Minophis

    And I thought they smelled bad on the outside.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Color me surprised it took this long for the obligatory quote!

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The more we comment...

    ...The more this pair can say "Mission accomplished" (as such I'm not commenting on the event itself).

    With stuff like this I think one rule applies here: "It doesn't matter /how/ they talk about us as long as they /are/ talking about us".

    Not me.

  25. Peter Simpson 1
    Paris Hilton

    Oh, come on....

    ...they were just horseing around!

    //nude, you say?

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If they had done it in the Tate then they'd be falling over themselves and calling it art...

    Least it's more interesting than a dead cow or sheep in urine...

  27. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I thought the protective gloves...

    were a little redundant?

    1. foo_bar_baz

      She's using a knife, so my guess is they're there for grip. Slippery hands + sharp knife != good idea.

  28. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    And here I was, thinking I missed some thread... Those pictures are really old and pretty benign compared to the regular stuff.

  29. Tyrrann

    Something's Not Right Here

    Is it bad that I read this entire story and the only thing that seemed not right about it was that Han Solo didn't have a light-sabre, he used Luke's?

    Also, when I watch that scene in Empire it just seems wrong somehow. Not because he's stuffing Luke inside a meat-bag (Hey look, a HK-47 reference lol), but because I believe that is the only scene, in any of the movies, that a non-Jedi actually uses a light-sabre.

    1. Harvey Trowell
      Thumb Up

      I agree on both counts.

      First, that it was clearly Luke's lightsaber and not Han's, and getting that fact wrong is the most offensive part of the article. Also that it was out of character for Han to use the lightsaber after saying "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." in episode four. Needs must, I guess. After all, it would have got messy if he tried to blast his way in.

      As for other use by non-Jedi, I fear you have overlooked the Sith (particularly General Grievous who presumably buys his in bulk) and the interesting case of R2D2 using Luke's as a buttplug for the first half hour of Jedi...

      1. Jedit Silver badge
        Thumb Down

        Not out of character at all

        Han still thinks the lightsabre is a weapon, just that it's out of date. Also he wasn't using it to fight, putting your argument on the level of saying a US Marine would cut his meat with an M-60 because a knife wouldn't be any use in a firefight.

  30. Andrew Smith 1

    Isn't it obvious?

    You wouldn't want the blood on your clothes when you climb into the animal would you?

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    An interesting test case for the idiotic UK "extreme porn" laws.

    So, let me get this right:

    Posing naked with a living human = OK

    Posing naked with a living animal = ILLEGAL!!!1!

    Posing naked with a dead human = ILLEGAL!!!1!

    Posing naked with a dead animal = OK

  32. John Sturdy

    Nothing illegal? I'm sure Health and Safety will have something to say!

    Mightn't climbing inside the food contravene food preparation hygiene regulations?

    1. Annihilator
      Thumb Down


      If you were opening a restaurant and selling it to people.

  33. RISC OS

    The Horse is strong in this one...

    ... feel the Horse. You must become one with the Horse.

  34. Ben79


    But morally no better or worse than cutting an animal up and then eating it, which most of us think is a jolly good idea.

    1. Liam Johnson


      Didn't your mother tell you never to play with your food?

  35. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If they'd have done it in this country...

    They'd have scooped the Turner Prize.

  36. Anonymous Coward

    Need help...

    Have to say it, but this couple are in desperate need of some help for mental instability.

    Whatever floats your boat, so long as it doesn't harm anything, but this couple decided to share it all with the world - what freaks me out most is their expressions. "Hey, this is normal and fun! Wheee!"

    I *really* hope there was some class A drug imbibing going down during that photo shoot.

    Shocked? No, just saddened to be honest - is this where civilisation has bought us? A pair of prize nutters gutting a horse, eating bits of it and rolling in it and posting the results on the web?

    Sure, I know there's *much* worse shit happening around the world, but it's the blase nature of this particular sad charade that saddens me.

    I looked at the images and wished I hadn't - and now to move swiftly on and attempt to forget I saw them and perhaps therein lies the problem.

    Being human, I was curious and had to look, however, also being actually *human* I found it sick and unappealing - so is this couple 'less than human?' - hmm, jury is out on that one, I'd say resoundingly, YES, they are less than human - completely lost their moral compass.

  37. tekHedd

    Hey, I didn't notice that...

    Wow, that chick sure is hot, but I can't see what all the fuss... Hey check it out, did you guys notice there's also a dead horse in these pictures?

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is this extreme porn ?

    I so would though.... her, not the horse :)

  39. Nudge

    In other news

    A woman has been arrested on the Dagobar System for public indecency and House Breaking offences. Home owner Yoda says he is 'gutted' that he wasn't there to defend his home.

  40. json

    I just checked the page in seattleweekly

    what a happy psychotic looking couple.

  41. Matt 70

    pretty rubbish pics..

    If your going to do something as off the wall as that you should at least attempt to make the pictures look half decent.

    There doesn't seem to be any artistic talent from either model or photographer.

  42. Urh

    Correct me if I'm wrong...

    ...but I thought the tauntaun was already dead from exposure to the cold when Han sliced it open. But with all the changes Lucas keeps making, who the hell knows. Maybe in the 3D re-re-re-release the tauntaun will take a pot shot at Han first?

    Mine's the fur coat...the one lined with fresh entrails.

    1. Zog The Undeniable

      Maybe in the re-re-re-re-release, Han will be nekkid. I know a lot of sad 40-something women who would pay good money to see that.

      Mine's the fur one with gooey insides.

  43. amanfromearth

    This isn't a publicity stunt for PETA then?

    .. although it's in the same league of stupidity.

  44. Hairy Airey

    Do what you like, but don't scare the horses

    Somehow, I think this would...

  45. andro

    not suprised

    Title should read "aspiring model finds way to be noticed"

    Well.. I wouldnt do it, but I dont see that theres a problem. Horse was scheduled be euthenised, dispatched humanely.... so what... ive seen worse advertising material, and now ive seen something novel and different today.

  46. nick47


    One of those "she's naked but you can't see anything" deals. I hate those.

  47. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "[...] didn't intend to offend anyone"

    The epitaph of our civilization.

  48. Rob

    Takes all sorts I suppose...

    ... horses for courses, one man's meat is another man's poison.

    (That's the best I can do at this time in the morning).

  49. Manu T

    What is all the fuzz about? And why does it appaer in El Reg?!?!?

    There are thousands of bankers ripping ppl's tax money. There's a thousands of Eurocrats ripping ppl's tx-money. There's a small bunch of Greeks who turned that country to piss (ripping tax-money from ALL the ther Greeks). But yet, this insignificant couple reaches the headline.

    They haven't even done anything illegal. Unlike the Greek authorities whom frauded to get into the Europe in the first place.

    The same happens all over the 'western world' authorties, corporations' boses and other rich ppl ripping ordinary folks. Isn't it about time we try to do something about the things that really matters instead of focussing on a couple that fools around with a dead animal?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      We're focussing on a couple that fools around with a dead animal to take our minds off the rest of the stuff you mention.

      Thanks for the reminder, though - I read BBC News as well today and there was not one mention of the financial crisis anywhere, so it's good that someone's still on that.

      I'm going to take your example though, and go around websites that aren't discussing the financial crisis, and remind them of it. That should fix the system in no time.

    2. U4eA

      @ Manu-T

      ....said a spokesman for 'Socialist Worker'.

      Seriously though there are enough colomn inches and bandwidth dedicated elsewhere to the latest 'oh fuck' moment in the world economy that we dont need to concern ourselves over the odd frivilous -if utterly rank- headline grabbing some attention.

      As to the article 'WTF...??' really does sum it up.

  50. Graham Bartlett


    One man's meat may cause another man to choke, but it probably won't poison him - although e.coli could be a problem depending on where the aforesaid meat has been before...

  51. Jonjonz

    What a pair of tards

    Major tards on the loose. Single moment of fame, grinning like maniacs holding horse offal. Now that's a real keep sake. Moe - Rons.

  52. This post has been deleted by its author

  53. HFoster


    I could understand if it had been a matter of survival, like the Taun Taun scene in Empire, but just for a modelling portfolio? Could've mocked it up with a rug and some theatrical goo.

    1. foo_bar_baz

      She has promise

      It tells the prospective employer she's not squeamish, unlike the spoilt brats they show on the sundry model wannabe shows on TV. Not that I'd ever admit to watching those. No no never.

  54. Anonymous Coward 15

    Someone posted gore on 4chan?

    And someone else got mad?


  55. sisk

    if(nakedLady + deadHorse == art || nakedLady + deadHorse == goodIdea){



  56. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm sure I read a similar story before...

    ...What was it called...


  57. Scott Broukell


    Did they meat on the internet ?

    Shes got some guts.

    Young woman;madness - separated only by a colon.

    This sinews to me !

    I can't stomach any more of this .........

    1. gerryg

      nearly dead-centaur

      but wide of the punctuation mark

      : colon

      ; semi-colon

      would use grammar nazi icon but not available on m.elreg

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @ Scott

      No heart to continue?

      Better hoof it then.

      1. Scott Broukell


        I stand korrected - if a little bloodied.

        - Was she feeling a little horse that day ?

        - They have to stop meating like this.

        - There's no skin off her nose.

  58. Haku

    Damien Hirst

    I bet he's kicking himself he didn't think of doing that first, although, judging by the sheer size of the building he now owns just down the road from me in an industrial estate he could go one better; have a person inside a horse which is inside an elephant which is inside a whale... Russian doll tauntaun scene!

  59. nemo20000
    IT Angle


    Finding it difficult to see the IT angle.

    And I zoomed in and everything.

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