just on time...
I missed the first warning (floods in Thailand, yawn)
I missed the second warning (floods in Thailand, WD hdd factory, hmm...)
I woke up to the third warning (pricing could go up, oh shiiiit....)
no, I didn't buy 1 mln of them to sell off at inflated prices, as one should. Just one hdd, am I not clever...
on a serious note, it would be interesting to see, if the SSD pricing goes down - or up. Probably up, as the price gap between hdd and ssd shrinks, briefly, and more people will decide to take a leap and catch the ssd production supply chain with the pants down. This should crank up the production though and (flooding permitted) when the hdd prices go down again, ssd should follow. But right now, while many people grind their teeth at the hdd price hike, many others, like the SSD industry - rejoice. And yes, in volatile times there is always a chance to increase margins. Production, say, down by 20%, pricing say, up by 57.5%. Which punter will know how much the hike is due to flooding and how much to the opportunistic increase in margins?