How the devil did they manage to get a tracking shot of something doing many, many times the speed of sound from that close up? Impressive stuff.
US Navy boffins are chuffed to announce that they have managed to fire their thousandth shot from a test electromagnetic railgun, addressing one of the most serious weaknesses of such weapons: that they tend to damage or wreck themselves after only a few shots. "A railgun weapons system must be able to launch hundreds of …
Delicate scientific measurement / communications equipment and horrific kinetic violence don't really mix. Unless there's a staggering leap in progress that allows us to cheaply make kit that could take that kind of damage. Even then it would be unpopular as it wouldn't be able to take anything living, and other countries might be nervous about its potential as a superweapon.
Ballistic shock is already a parameter in a lot of military electronics purchasing. (For the firing of items containing the electronics from very large guns, presumably). Mind you I've yet to see a specification that requires more than conventional guns (even big ones) would produce.
That is no mere exhaust plume, that is a cloud of rapidly expanding plasma, created where the air inside the railgun is pushed aside by the projectile and turned into plasma by the enormous electrical energy required to propel said projectile.
This heating in turn causes the very air itself to combust, oxidising the nitrogen in the air. Then there's the minute amounts of material being torn off the railgun's rail and the projectile itself in the process of firing and after exiting the barrel, you get a considerable shockwave from the supersonic projectile throwing up dust.
Sure "This would potentially free up space aboard ships, and make them safer and more resistant to combat damage" should read "This would potentially allow ships to pack more bang per buck by using the space currently reserved for ammunition assistives for more ammunition, and more engines for generating the juice required to fire these weapons."
There is space or weight saving in the military. Just opportunities to pack more things where previously impossible.
...with all that smoke and fire from the sabat if the smaller AA versions could be developed into a plasma gun. That plus the EM pulse from the thing might wipe out any aircraft without actually having to hit it.
Of course you would not want to fly your own aircraft anywhere in the vicinity, but what the hell.
From what I understand from the mechanics of this, it fires a big lump of metal with no steering capability. How can they achieve any sort of accuracy over 500 miles? Even with muzzle energies and projectile weights finely tuned to milliJoules and microgrammes, they'll need a real fancy targeting system to compensate for the bobbing of the ship on the water, wind deviation etc.
And even then, I doubt it still would be accurate enough to take out a specific target (a la Transformers 2). More likely it could reliably hit larger targets such as fairly big buildings (50m?)
...a ship? 50m+ is a tiddler by warship standards. Besides, there have been mechanisms in place on ships to compensate for bobbing in the water since at least the First World War and probably even before then. Wind deviation might be an issue, I don't know, but we aren't talking about golf balls here. These slugs are going to be pretty dense so will be pretty resistant to being blown about by wind.
They may not need to. At 500 miles you may well be firing at an entire fleet, or a city. Put enough projectiles in the air, you're going to get some hits.
And whilst the current version has no steering on the projectile, it doesn't mean that future versions won't add it. Sure it'd be a technical challenge to get the electronics to survive that kind of acceleration, but it's not impossible.
It's going to need some mechanism to steer it just to keep to the earth's curvature unless the ballistic arc just happens to match.
OK if it hits something solid like a building or tank but a thin-walled, unarmoured warship - it will punch a hole clean through unless it hits something with significant resistance/mass.
Looking at the cabling attached to the gun it poses the question just how much energy does it require to discharge? and secondly where is that going to from onboard a ship somehow I don't think duracell batteries are quite big enough. Moving projectiles is always a question of stored energy so far I cannot see and alternative to chemical energy that is effective.
I'm not sure how fast ICBM warheads travels but MIRV's I assume must have some steering capability at high speeds so the technology might already be there.
I guess for bringing down fighters/missiles you will only need incredibly small projectiles because the impact at high velocity is doing all the damage. Imagine one of these bad boys on every destroyers clearing the skies of anything their radar can detect.
As to energy storage are people familiar with some of the mechnical KERS systems considered for F1 cars. They have small discs spinning at 10,000's rpm in a vacuum the energy is transmitted electrically in and out. I guess with solid state switching and ranks of them in parallel you could store some pretty impressive energy.