back to article Motorola to launch 8in Xoom 2 for Xmas

Details of the Motorola Xoom 2 have been leaked ahead of launch. Where? In a Carphone Warehouse Ireland sales brochure, which has a page devoted to Moto's latest fondleslab, Engadget reports. Xoom 2 Carphone Warehouse leak Source: Engadget The price is apparently set at €400 (£344) for a 16GB Wi-Fi only edition with an 8. …


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  1. Tony Barnes

    Check out the corners - not nice and round, but half rounded... lol, pathetic that they need to resort to making their product a bit uglier to make sure it stays on shelves!

  2. technohead95
    Thumb Down

    And who wants to believe Motorola's promises?

    Motorola took ages to update the UK Xoom to 3.2. Who wants to buy a Xoom 2 on the promise that it'll be updated to 4.0 in a timely fashion? Motorola have been added to my list of manufacturers who have failed to uphold their promise or failed to meet customer expectations when it has come to software updates. I will be passing on the Xoom 2 in a blink of an eye.

    1. Ralph B

      Motorola's promises?

      Surely the coming merger with Google makes it somewhat more likely that the updates will arrive in a timely fashion ... ?

    2. Tigra 07

      RE: Technohead

      Tell ya what technohead95.

      My Xoom is less than 6 months old and if it doesn't get supposrt for Ice Cream Sandwich at the LEAST then i'll buy Sony Ericsson next time and not renew my future workplace contracts with them.

      If Motorola won't keep a product up to date for even 1 YEAR then it's disgusting they can milk customers for more money rather than doing updates.

      1. Tigra 07


        I meant Samsung!

        Im not stupid enough to buy Sony Ericsson again!

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sounds good

    The 8.0" market nice wasn't particularly well addressed by the current offerings so it's nice to see Motorola stepping in.

    I'm still looking for the elusive Boltzmann constant (in electronvolt) sized tablet, just 8" is too small for me and at 8.9" Samsung's is far too large.

    But I'm sure Google with their fondness for irrelevant constants will make sure the market has an offering for each.

  4. Dirk Vandenheuvel

    Just in time for the land fill.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I do not care what Android it ships with ...

    ... I want to know whether I will be able to get and/or install upgrades.

  6. Ale
    Thumb Up


    Unlocking xoom tablets is trivial. The xoom 2 will also be trivial.

    I bought one on the back of the last price reduction, also got a free bluetooth keyboard and mouse. It's a lovely tablet wich I have used constantly.

    Because it's so easily unlockable, I re-flashed it with the US rom, available on the Motorola support page. It now thinks it's a US Xoom, which being a Google experience device, gets its updates directly from Google.

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