back to article India uncloaks new thorium nuke plants

India has revealed its plan for a new nuclear reactor design using the thorium fuel cycle. The Advanced Heavy Water design differs from China's molten salt or liquid fluoride designs. But Indian scientists expect the AHW reactor to be operational before China's, certainly by 2020, and are confident enough to seek buyers for …


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  1. Ian Stephenson
    Thumb Up

    +1 to petition

    as above

    1. Anomalous Cowturd
      Thumb Up

      Re: has acquired just 50 signatures. ®

      51 now.

      Come on Commentards, get your twitters out.


    2. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

      +1 too

      The cynic in me, however, suspects that the UK gov is less interested in thorium tech than it should be in part because it produces no 'nasty' isotopes of things like uranium and plutonium than can be refined and made into bombs.

  2. Wam

    Good to see the number of signatures climbing now ...

    1. BorkedAgain
      Thumb Up


      This'd be a good time to get all boring on Facebook and the like, wouldn't it? ;)

      1. David Dawson

        Yup, just did.

  3. Tim Worstal

    About thorium supplies

    Interestingly, there is always throium as a by product of rare earth mining. And there will almost always be rare earths as a by product of thorium mining.

    That two birds one stone thing.....

  4. cloudgazer

    Great to see investment in Thorium - not least because the Thorium cycle cannot be weaponized.

    1. Armando 123

      "the Thorium cycle cannot be weaponized."

      At the moment. Heck, trees can be weaponized, come to that.

    2. John Hughes

      "Cannot be weaponised" - tee hee

      ITYM "is hard to weaponise".

      The US did make one 233U bomb just to see if it was possible. It went BANG as expected.

      Its expected that it would be easier for inspectors to check whether a thorium reactor was being de-fueled for bomb making, but of course India isn't in the NPT, so there are no inspections.

      1. Bernd Felsche
        Black Helicopters

        Cannot be weaponised easily without somebody noticing.

        I understand that it is difficult to work with the hard gamma radiation in order to make a bomb and repositories of 233U are very difficult to conceal.

    3. IvyKing

      U233 is relatively nice for weapons

      As other posters have pointed out, "U233" has a high gamma output from the U232 that comes as part of the U233 production process, much the same way that Pu240 is produced in conjunction with Pu239. The main gamma line from U232 is relatively low energy and is thus easy to shield to the point where it isn't a major threat to personnel (not so easy to shield from an isotope identification survey).

  5. Bryn Jones
    Thumb Up


    The e-petition is now up to over 270 signatures...

  6. Anonymous Coward

    This all sounds like

    ..a rip-off of the THTR-300 design. They have the same electric output and (from what we can learn out of the Guardian article), they use a Thoium-Uranium oxide fuel, just as the German reactor.

    Meanwhile we pay 20 eurocent/kWh to subsidize all the solar cells and windmills.

    1. Bronek Kozicki

      Burn all the windmills

    2. John Hughes

      THTR-300? No.

      Not a lot of heavy water in the THTR-300.

      That was (as the name implies) a hot, gas cooled pebble fuel design.

      Just at a guess this is a CANDU running with thorium instead of natural uranium.

      1. Keith T

        The Government of Canada simply lacks the independent ability to act that GE has.

        Yes it is based on the CANDU (according to Wikipedia), but the Government of Canada and AECL did not participate in pushing the CANDU system to the next level.

        Apparently we (Canada) didn't sell enough CANDUs to make the design profitable, and AECL being a crown corporation meant constant foreign policy headaches as the US government told our government who we could and could not sell to.

        The Government of Canada simply lacks the independent ability to act that GE and other US-based corporations have.

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    +1 signeture from me

  8. Anonymous Coward

    The Decline Of The West

    Germany had a 300 MW (electric) Thorium reactor running in the 80s. The Greenies killed it off. I assume their paymasters did not like the fact it could have been used for coal gasification (coal->petrol). After all, who would pay for Saudi and Russian luxury if we didn't need their oil ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      Is that the one that had issue with stuck pebble and radioactive leak ?

    2. Dave 15

      Decline - bit gentle

      Think the term fell off a cliff edge is most appropriate. Of course the rich 0.1% who pay the slightly less rich but certainly very comfy politicians are getting their way. And they don't care when us pathetic little guys have cold hovels, can't travel and can only envy them on the bit of the internet they don't censor to oblivion.

  9. James Dore
    Thumb Up

    +1 to petition also. Really liked the summary of UK Energy policy at the end as well. Top stuff!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Methinks the government has taken a bung the size of the ozone hole from windmill manufacturers.

  11. Lloyd

    I misread that as pants not plants

    I'll get it on the way out.

  12. Busted
    Big Brother

    Did I do something wrong

    Went to petition to add my vote upon visting there were 90 votes and after I cast mine there was 82.

    It appears I'm classed as a negative when voting clear BB is watching :)

  13. Richard Wharram

    Me too :)

    Signed, for all the good it will do.

  14. demat


    The post is required, and must contain letters.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Or is this an old Empire attitude - rather than " "very interesting, now go away – we have windmills to build" it really means " "very interesting, now go away – you're Indians, what can you possibly teach us about Nuclear technology"

  16. Swift1
    Thumb Up

    +1 to petition

    Me too.

  17. sebacoustic

    indian thorium reactor

    Their design is much more like a conventional uranium reactor and forfeits some of the benefits of the LFTR (or TMSR as the Chinese call it) design: the "not much nuclear waste" benefit and the "inherently safer" benefit specifically. On the other hand it's much more like conventional technology so their development timescale is shorter.

    Still it's good news if they get it right. And let's hope they pay good attention to safety (more than the UC plant in Bhopal anyway). Nuclear power is great in potential and the yields are so high that every reasonable step should be taken to make it safe. Note i'm not saying "every possible step" like they have for protection from radiation where thresholds are ridiculously low, which kind of denies any potential economic benefit.

  18. nichomach
    Thumb Up


    ...duly signed.

  19. TRT


    named after its discoverer Thora Hird. The ore from which it is derived is called Compo Simmonite.

    100% of FACT*

    *may be a lie.

  20. Paul 25
    Thumb Up

    Good to see thorium designs being pushed again

    My understanding is that in the early days of nuclear thorium was the preferred route among many engineers and scientists as the reaction is inherently safe - it will shutdown unless you actively keep it going, unlike a uranium pile - and the fuel is more abundant than uranium and requires less processing.

    However the uranium/plutonium cycle won the race for research funding as it was more suited to use on things like nuclear subs, and of course resulted in material suitable for use in weapons.

    Thorium reactors are inherently safe (in the sense that you can't have a meltdown) and don't put nasty stuff in the hands of nasty people.

    Of course I'm sure someone with more knowledge of these things will probably correct me on some of that IANANS.

  21. Mark 8
    Thumb Up

    Another +1 to petition here as well!

  22. Craigness


    Apparently thorium reactors are an old idea whose time would have come soone had uranium not been so useful for killing people.

  23. Martin Gregorie

    +1 signers

    Thanks for the heads-up about this petition.

  24. lawndart


    "Very interesting, now go away – we have windmills to build" can be otherwise interpreted as "Very interesting, but it will have to wait until sufficient MPs and their relations have managed to grab controlling interests in the production companies to make it worthwhile."

    +1 to the Thorium Reactor here. If they want to build one in my otherwise too small garage they can, as long as I get the power to the house for free and they leave a bit of room for the mower.

  25. Rustybucket
    Thumb Up


    Signed, FB'd and +'d

  26. Matthew 17

    I for one welcome our new Indian overlords

    The next decade or so will certainly be interesting.

    The West has been napping on the job for far too long.

  27. Geoff Webber
    Thumb Up


    And faceclothed!

  28. Aitor 1

    Andrew, are you sure you are not from Texas?

    Sorry for the flame, but you really appear to be from the states.. well, from the lone star state ;)

    I would prefer breeder nuclear plants + the renewables you dispise so much.. I would really like to convince you..

    1. Figgus

      The only thing "renewable" about green energy will have to be the subsidies. Without those, the whole scheme falls apart.

      It speaks volumes about the technology's viability, IMO.

    2. Sean Baggaley 1

      I don't think Andrew's against "renewables" in principle.

      The problem is that they're very context-sensitive technologies, and haven't lived up to expectations. (Also, fossil fuels are, almost by definition, "renewable" sources: the renewal cycle just happens to take a very long time. In a scant few million years, our distant descendants may well be refining *us* for fuel!)

      If there's no wind over your land, where do you get your electricity from? Solar power? What if the air is still, and it's night-time? You could lift water into a holding lake when you have an excess of power, but that does rather rely on there being a convenient bit of uninhabited geography to flood for said purpose. The UK already has such installations in mountainous regions like Wales, but you need a lot more of them to supply all the country's energy needs.

      You need a _baseline_ supply that can be relied on to be there no matter what. And you simply cannot get that from most so-called "alternative" sources. ("So-called" because Italians and Americans—among many others—have been using wind-powered pumps to extract water from wells for generations. It's hardly a new energy source.)

      Furthermore, solar energy systems are also location-sensitive. Italians are already used to high energy prices and very low mains supplies—3 kWh at the door is *normal* here; it's why the Italians didn't invent the electric kettle and toaster!—but they are blessed with lets of sunshine, so solar energy is, in fact, catching on in rural Italy in a big way. It's not a runaway success by any means, but you won't find it hard to spot installations. (Italians live primarily in apartments in urban areas, which makes solar panels harder to justify due to the limited roof space caused by such high density housing.)

      The UK has a long history of cheap electricity thanks to its own coal and natural gas resources. This is only now starting to change, but it means people still think nothing of having a toaster, an electric oven, a power shower, and any number of TVs and other gadgets all running at the same time. A supply of 10 kWh at the door is still considered normal. Photovoltaic panels simply aren't going to make as noticeable a dent in British electricity bills as they do in Italy.

      Solar heating may have some benefits, but it does require additional infrastructure in your hot water system—you need a large hot water tank, for example. British housing stock is primarily still of Victorian construction, so there are a lot more maisonettes and split houses that make fitting rooftop infrastructure difficult to justify: each flat usually has its own, separate, heating and electrical systems, for example. These can cost thousands to adapt—and that's on top of the panels themselves.

      There is no magic wand. No "one size fits all" solution. And this point has been behind many of Andrew Orlowski's posts.

      The visual and aural news media simply don't have the luxury of explaining all this, so they tend towards soundbites and oversimplification; everything is binary: black or white, yes or no, with us or against us. There's never much exploration of the subtle grey areas in between and the narrative invariably attempts to portray science as Panacea or Pandora's Box, but never as it truly is: a tool.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Indian priorities

    It's great India sorted out their huge slums and poverty of half a billion people before spending money on satellite launches and nuclear power plants.....oh.

    1. SkippyBing

      Well if you want the power to bring a billion odd people a decent standard of living windmills aren't going to cut it are they so they might want to look at building some nukes. Or would you rather they built lots of coal powered stations?

      And when they start selling satellite launch space to us they should have developed the engineering know how to help improve their countries infrastructure. Plus some worthless foreign currency I'd imagine.

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just needed to know that a petition existed...

  31. bill 36

    The Nay Sayers

    Are a bit quiet!

    Whats wrong? Too much logic in it?

  32. Yet Another Commentard

    Petition signed

    394 now! Wow.

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good for the world

    Nothing negative about Thorium coming to the rescue of an energy deficient emerging nation. If France produces 75 % of its Electricity from Nuclear, surely India and China can achieve higher growth potantial with Nuclear (and more safely). They can even export these reactors to other third world countries to meet their leccy needs!

    Dependency on oil will only bring chaos and recession cycles to these developing countries.

    About time they accelerated nuke power manyfold and save us from this oil price fuelled recessions.

    My guess : 5 thorium reactors in UK will bring anough electricity to actually bring prices down and reduce dependency on oil, which means oil only for petrol and cars.

    1. Ian Stephenson

      Agree with you except for the last.

      The oil only for petrol and cars.

      There are many more (profitable) products from crude than just oil whether heavy, heating or fuel.

      Pharmaceuticals, LPG, Benzene, toluene etc

      I'll just add ".. and our fanatical devotion to the pope." as a gratuitous Python reference and also to imply there are many more before someone else brings up some examples I missed.

    2. JimC

      > oil only for petrol and cars.

      You're forgetting how useful and valuable this stuff is as an industrial raw material, which is why burning it is such a damn silly idea...

  34. John McCallum
    Thumb Up


    ....Now stands at 482+ any takers on the goverment ignoring this one as well?

  35. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    That's good news

    Some competition for China will help keep the price down when we come to buy the thorium plants we need to replace all our useless windmills.

  36. Goat Jam

    The West

    Western countries are going to be living on handouts from China and India within 50 years.

    Actually, the way things are going it could be 20.

    The West, led by the USA, have sat on their complacent fat arses now for decades, sure in the delusion that non western people are simply not capable of any sort of intellectual or industrial excellence.

    While we hamstring ourselves at the behest of the hand-wringing middle classes in our they get on with the job of building their economies without pandering to the guilt mongering morons who think that everything that ails the world is the fault of descendants of white Europeans.

    In Australia, we are in the process of implementing a totally useless "Carbon Tax" that will cripple our economy and make it impossible for us to do business.

    Already or businesses are bleeding dry because our dollar is at record highs compared to the greenback and other currencies and this insane Gillard/Greens Carbon Tax will be the final nail in the coffin.

    At the same time nobody in Australia will even consider the possibilities of Nuclear power.

    Apparently we are all going to die due to AGW but even that is not enough to prompt the shambling imbeciles that rule and populate this country to consider the idea.

    Australia is an energy rich country, being net exporters of coal, uranium and LNG yet our governments are dead set against actually using that wealth to our benefit.

    Instead, we refuse to build nuclear and are working overtime to shutdown our coal fired power plants.

    We could use our abundant cheap energy to give ourselves an advantage in the international marketplace or we could shoot ourselves in the foot and ship that energy overseas.

    Unsurprisingly, our cretinous "leaders" choose the gun->foot option.

    It drives me to despair.

    1. Wombling_Free

      It's the Austfailian way!

      gun->foot, it's 'ow we do it down 'ere, Mate!

      CSIRO in the 50's... what shall we spend our research money on? Digital computers? NO, what possible use could starting up a computer industry be? Let's focus on silver iodide rainmaking! Maybe advanced sheep dip!

      And my, didn't that work out a treat! Look at the wealth that has created for.. oh. hang on.

      I seem to recall the nasty little Howard runt once proclaiming that Australia is unsuitable for solar power development - yeah, all those vast unused desert spaces with long sunlight hours, all those rare earth minerals, all the UNSW research into efficient solar cells and energy storage, NOPE, no use at all. Unfeasable. Too hard. Why bother, when we can create wealth by digging up dirt, shipping it overseas and creating our very own home-grown housing and income gap crisis?

      Could someone please invade (or just buy us out, it wouldn't take much!) us? We deserve it, really.

      1. Goat Jam

        Hear Hear Brother

        This country is filled with short sighted redneck ute driving cretins and chardonnay swilling middle class inner city ecotards (cue more downvotes from said ecotards and or redneck cretins, bring em on morons)

        Personally, I'm still hoping for the zombie apocalypse to arrive. I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard.

        Virtual beer for you, because real beer is too fricking expensive these days.

  37. Keith T
    Thumb Up

    "The Register Bump" now 522 signatures

    In just 11 hours "The Register Bump" has the petition up to 522 signatures.

    Now 523 signatures.

    Let's boost the petition using Facebook, Twitter, email to friends, or whatever other medium you prefer.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


  38. Wombling_Free

    Run for your life!

    Radioactive liquid fluoride! For FSMs sake! What could possibly go wrong?

    1. Bernd Felsche

      People could be frightened by things that they don't understand

      I put that down to "education"; replacing inate curiiosity with fear during the upbringing of a child. We now have adults who are supposed to be running counrties who are inept at everything because of paralysing fear of everything.

      Generations have been wasted by turning fear into a fashion; exascerbated by ostracising those unfashionables who try to understand what they do not understand; instead of buying the fears of the unknown.

      People who want power tell scary stories. So that the over-aged children can be maintained in a compliant, frightened state.

  39. Lindsay 1

    Here's the web site ...

    For those of you who are interested, here's a web site I bookmarked 5-6 years ago. Yes, it's current and really simple to read.

  40. 2cent

    Thorium Reactor Video FYI

    "This talk is aimed at explaining this thorium energy resource from fundamental physics to today's practical applications. The presentation is sufficient for the non-scientist to grasp the whole subject, but will be intriguing to even classically trained nuclear engineers."

    The Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor: What Fusion Wanted To Be

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