Couldn't be
This couldn't be a hack attempt from a certain large Country in Asia or a smaller one connected to it? No.. Couldn't be!
Dozens of companies in the defense and chemical industries have been targeted in an industrial espionage campaign that steals confidential data from computers infected with malware, researchers from Symantec said. At least 29 companies involved in the research, development, and manufacture of chemicals and an additional 19 …
people just need
and then they'll open brittney spears_naked.jpg .exe when its comes from a spoof email addy like gfuyfy55@yahoo.com.
Perhaps a walled off network could be provided for the dumb s**ts who do this all the..... ... . .. ohh cool someone just sent me Charlotte_church_with_her_t*ts_out.jpg brb
I keep seeing the FUD from both businesses and government about Cyber war (and obviously the security companies want a piece of the anti-Cyber war government money as the FUD gets ramped up), but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak, when its used to justify forcing through more draconian measures on to all of us, the likes of which some of our government MPs have been keep calling for, over the past few years.
Its not as if we have to connect every computer to the Internet. If something is so secret or hazardous to expose it to the Internet, then why expose it to the Internet? Its not rocket science so to speak, every computer on the planet doesn't have to be on connected to the Internet. But then using some common sense wouldn't allow the FUD stories to keep flowing in the media, all allowing more strength to back up the government claims for their need for more draconian measures so they are happy to let the Cyber war stories build up plus the security companies smell money to be made from it all, so they are happy as well.
... I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, when the governments show us what they want to do about it.
After all, we have the International Labour Organization highlighting today, fear of increased civil unrest in Europe + Increasingly people talking about the need for a European spring so to speak to deal with the corrupt MPs and banks + endless MP rhetoric about the need to regulate the Internet = ? its not hard to guess what politicians fear from the Internet and what they want. Its also easily to see how the so called Arab spring was fueled by the Internet's ability to help people undermine government liars and all politicians fear that kind of social movement.
So I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop, because its all slowly building to a crescendo. :(
Notice how it somehow always is "researchers" from IT "security" vendors who dish out (preciously few) scary specifics, and how it's government spook agencies that keep on warning about various threats, but always in general. The timing is also interesting, of course.
One point being that this is also an intelligence game and that so far the fearmongering is *working*. That means "we" can't dismiss what they're doing out of hand. Doesn't mean we have to agree, mind. But do take note, of just who is doing what.
@Government: Fund Safe Operating Systems; Memory/Type Safe Programming Languages; Fund Full Mathematical Verification of a minimal Linux, Firefox and a PDF viewer; use Linux; create AppArmor profiles;Remove the Insecure A***e Crap
@Businesses: Remove the Insecure A***e Crap, replace by evince and HTML5; Use whitelisting for internet access; provide Social PCs to access employee webmail, facebook, youtube etc; use AppArmor profiles; use security consultants who know more than their employer's technology; keep software auto-patched; stop using standard STL library (without bounds checking) and plain pointers; spend serious money on capable security consultants and heed their advice; use Linux
@Private PC users: keep software auto-patched; don't run as Administrator; remove A***e crap software