It wouldn't be Battlefield without problems.
Yay EA!
Stagger the release across the world to annoy your UK fans who have had to wait whilst others have played.
Continue to use Punkbuster even though it's rubbish (still kicking valid players, whilst the leader boards are stuffed full of AA hackers)
Use Origin to deliver the SW, when you could have just used Steam.
CTD bugs, sound bugs, graphics bugs, game hanging.
Glitches in the maps that were highlighted during Alpha AND Beta testing (Operation Metro rocks near B m-com I'm referring to you)
Tiny infantry only maps instead of the huge Battlefields that we all love.
Online activation and game credentials checking which go FUBAR on release.
A laughable single player campaign.
My only hope is that all the retards go and play COD once it's released and leave BF3 for the long term players.
regards a BF veteran (BF1942, BF vietnam, BF2, BF2142, BF Heroes, BP4F, BFBC2 & BF3)