back to article Acer first PC vendor to confirm price hike

Acer has become the first major PC vendor to confirm a price rise in response to flooding in Thailand, which it says has led to a 20 per cent hike in the cost of disk drives. This comes just days after Acer described the outlook for HDD supplies as uncertain, while rivals firms agreed drive component prices would head north, …


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  1. Mark C Casey

    20% yet...

    20% hike yet hard drive prices have doubled or even nearly tripled on sites like ebuyer. Pretty bad price gouging from either the distributors or resellers. (or both)

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    20% minimum

    ebuyer have gone up massively on their drives 20% is the bare minimum

  3. Tom 38

    20%? Chance would be a fine thing

    3 months ago I bought a 2TB HTGST drive for £45+VAT. The cheapest 2 TB drive available today from the same supplier? £125+VAT.

    277% price increase in 3 months. Please let it stop raining soon in Thailand.

    1. Outcast !!!

      Thailand's Rain

      The rain has stopped; just that the water cannot be cleared.

    2. Annihilator


      Just when I need to buy 5 x 2TB drives...

  4. Andy ORourke

    is this the same Acer.....

    that had a metric fuckton of excess stock sitting around doing nothing and now it's more expensive due to the misfortunes of the disk makers in Thailand?

    I'd honestly have more respect for them if they just scrapped the crap overpriced PC's they couldnt sell and just flogged off the hard disks, they will probably be worth more than the PC's that house them, shortly anyway!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Any excuse to raise prices

    I find that any excuse to raise prices is taken and any overstocking or any related reason to lower prices seems to take a slow painful process akin to no sudden price drops.

    Had HD's suddenly become 20% cheaper to make then you can garantee that would not of been passed on, but an excusee to raise your margins and blame somebody else - every company takes that option.

    Still, can only help to promote SSD's even further.

  6. Risky

    eBuyer Pricey

    Ebuyer are either trying their luck on were runing very thin stocks. Their prices for some popular models are nearly double those on Amazon.

    1. Tom 38

      IS that Amazon selling them from the UK, or is it 'Amazon Marketplace' shipping from the US?

      Either way, they must have lots of stock then (or be fibbing), since ebuyer's prices compare with dabs (£108), scan (£100), overclockers (£100)…

      Rare for ebuyer to be so much more than the others.

  7. Tasogare


    Does anyone know if the same shortages affect SSDs? I'm not sure if production for those is concentrated in Thailand too, and of the several stories posted recently I don't think any of them have mentioned it.

  8. Darryl

    So hard drives are just like gasoline, er, petrol?

    Price of oil goes up, price of fuel spikes. Price of oil goes down, price of fuel goes up to recoup losses. Oil supplies shrink, price of fuel goes up. Oil supplies excessive, price of fuel MAY stay the same.

    Sounds just like the hard drive market. Does anyone know if the prices of hard drives also increase just before long weekends?

  9. EvilGav 1

    This being one of the OEMs that have raped the supply chain to the extent that the likes of Scan, eBuyer, Aria etc etc etc have at least doubled their prices.

    Panic buying has caused the massive price rises - panic buying by OEMs so that their prices aren't overly afftected.

    This is profiteering of the worst kind.

  10. Jacqui

    Novatech - was ~60UKP now 120UKP!

    Ntech have doubled prices in roughly two weeks. I was considering packing a 6way box with a heap of F4EG but **double** prices is just insane. I will wait until after new year when they will drop back below the 70UKP mark as buyers dry up until the new financial year...


  11. Charles Smith

    Lean Management soaked by floods

    Ah good ole Justin Thyme strikes again. When Justin catches a cold we all suffer. Didn't Acer learn any lessons from Toyota and the last big Earthquake/Tsunami.

    Justin Thyme is a cheap efficient employee until things go worng.

  12. IR

    I'm regretting not buying a new 1TB drive for $60 a couple of weeks ago, the same one is now $90.

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