A tale of several operating systems
I'm still using XP. I like it. If you turn off all the useless graphic cruft it performs quite well and is reliable. I've used Vista and win7, can't stand either of them, principally due to the nagware or outright refusal to do what I want. Also the visuals look like they're designed for retarded nine year olds, or possibly Americans.
I didn't have to start using a windows desktop until 2004 luckily, so have some perspective on this, not being totally immersed in Redmond Kool-Aid as some people obviously are.
Hint: use a good uninstaller like Revo.
Some points arising from other comments:
--security. Forget it, it's windows. MS engineers themselves don't know what some of it does any more. Use linux or a unix instead if you care that much, and turn on rbac. Windows based firewall? A joke, surely?
--the windows registry. What a crap idea. SPOE: Single Point of Evil. When they ditch this, they might have something.
--applications. Most people use maybe 30% of the functionality in office, and not much else on a business PC. Why pay more tax? If your app base doesn't lock you in to MS, you should be looking at alternatives, especially for workstations. There are plenty. They work. You'll save money. If you are locked in, bad luck.
--Evolution. A lot of this reminds me of the built-in obsolescence in the car industry. I run the latest Solaris on an Ultra 10 which it nearly 15 years old. It works well enough for file service and a little browsing and doc processing, and is reliable, stable and secure. And yet people are happy to submit to the M$ upgrade treadmill year after year, decade after decade. Ballmer is laughing all the way to the bank. And for what? New eye candy and more nagware.
Wake up you lot.