Humor Optional
". . . my subcompact automobile exerts a greater gravitational influence on Earth than the comet . . . "
We must destroy his car before it destroys the world!
NASA has released another statement on Comet Elenin, the totally insignificant comet it keeps giving out statements about, to say that it has broken up into "smaller, even less significant, chunks of dust and ice". "This trail of piffling particles will remain on the same path as the original comet, completing its …
It became a sensation because somebody started the ball rolling and NASA issued a denial. As far as conspiracy theorists are concerned, if somebody connected with the government denies something then that means it must be a cover up. Had NASA simply ignored the idiot rumours they would have fizzled out after a couple of days.
I have a whole list of untalented loudmouthed and ignorant celebrities that should be drafted for a one-way mission to save the earth.
They kill the comet and don't come back, we win.
They don't kill the comet and don't come back, we win.
They miss the comet entirely and don't come back, WE STILL WIN!
There seems to be a pattern here...
Rather than send loudmouthed and ignorant celebrities, we should reinstate the draft and send all the Republican candidates for President and their "job creators" on a mission to save Earth...
They kill the comet and don't come back, we win.
They don't kill the comet and don't come back, we win.
They miss the comet entirely and don't come back, WE STILL WIN!
And we wouldn't have to cut their taxes...
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Greater drag, perhaps.
But a mountain-sized lump of ice and rock entering the Earth's comparatively shallow "gas cushion" will certainly tunnel through to make land-fall, regardless. It would create a really, really narsty mess.
I'm amused by all the folks who fail to understand the scale of this kind of event (which WILL happen, hopefully not in my lifetime).
Energy divided by cubic meter is Power Density
Energy is Mass times speed of light squared.
Break up the mass into a larger space (bits spread apart by the breakup) you then have a lower power density.
Yes the same amount of energy is converted (can't create or destroy energy but only convert it in form) but is spread out over larger area.
if it were lots of smaller pieces, they would stand a better chance of burning up on entry. Also, the 'total energy transfer' would be spread out over a much larger area (unless it was cut into chunks that didn't drift apart, at all) instead of all of it hitting in exactly the same place.
The atmosphere I'm breathing right now? You want the big comet to burn up in that atmosphere?
You don't think there may be a little problem with the sky catching fire, for those of us underneath it? Which, what with the jetstream and all, is probably everybody.
You know, 65 million years before present, mostly buried underground, is a single thin worldwide layer of space-deposited iridium... and soot. The world burned.
Fortunately, less so this week. The rate at which space rock continually falls onto Earth is fairly steady. When we go through a comet's orbit it gets noisy...
Indeed, the total energy transfer will be approximately the same. However because the chunks have a much larger total surface area, they will experience far more drag in the upper atmosphere and because they have a much smaller volume each compared to their surface area, will experience more severe and deeper heating.
So while the planet will receive the same amount of energy total, most of that energy will be wasted into the upper atmosphere as the chunks burn up instead of falling to the ground and killing people.
1 big rock == 1 big crater, lots of dust, dead people, etc.
hundreds of small rocks == Most burn up on entry, those that don't burn up completely leave a few small craters scattered across the landscape. Some people might get unlucky and get hurt in the process.
The total surface area of the mass will vastly increase after a breakup which will affect any heat transfer and melt the ice ball far more quickly.
Bits bouncing off each other due to outgassing may deflect some of them off their normal path.
Of the bits that don't melt, the variously sized/massed bits will be affected differently by air resistance in the outer atmosphere, slowing each at a different rate. This will spread the total mass out over a longer trail which will impact the lower atmosphere over a longer period of time resulting in a lower total rate of energy transfer.
> It doesn't matter how many chunks you cut it into, the mass and vector remains the same.
But the surface area increases dramatically.
> If it hits the Earth, the total energy transfer will also be the same.
Only if it all hits the Earth.
Because of the increased surface area, far more of an inbound object would burn up in the atmosphere. The energy will be dissipated as light and heat, rather than transferred into the planet.
So although you are right in that the total amount of energy entering the atmosphere will be the same, you are wrong in thinking that the same amount of energy will transfer to the Earth.
Force doesn't equal the amount of energy to be dissapated by the comet striking the earth, so the equation of F=MA is irrelevant. The equation to use is E=MC (squared).
You have to calculate the total energy to be converted from on form to another (Kinetic energy of the comet to heat). Then if you spread that energy across many smaller pieces you now have a much larger surface area for friction to act on the bodies spread out over larger area of the planet, so then the "power density" or amount of energy per cubic meter is now decreased as well.
Meaning lesser impact over the wider area of the event.
...only PART of the cloud of bits hits the earth while the other part skims on by, instead of the whole mass hitting in central impact...
...or the moon happens to be in position to block part of the debris cloud (Sure, it's unllkely -- but so is a comet colliding with the Earth!)...
...or if the smaller bits have time to vaporize in atmosphere before impact...
...or... or... or...
...and pack them into a snowball. This is your average comet.
The tail of a comet is mainly snow and water vapor that is boiled off as your dirty snowball passes near the sun. When the comet leaves the inner solar system and heads back into the up-and-out, it re-freezes.
Eventually two things can happen -- either there is not enough snow and ice left to hold everything together as it passes the sun and things start scattering due to light pressure and gravitational perturbations, or a particularly large and juicy pocket of ice in the center of the mass boils off more quickly than the resulting vapor can escape and blows the thing apart.
NB: IANAA, but the above is my understanding of the processes.
G-d is magnificent, then he give us magnicent signs. The times are near we all know, we can feel them. Aliens will show themselves also: watchers, the fallen angels, the annunaki..ppl will blieve in them and not in G-d our creator and father. Each one of us will be making a choice. Prepare the soul, we r free G-d made us free, is ur personal choice BUT U KNOW THE SIGNALS AND HAVE BEEN WARNED. Also check the alignment in 1994 when the cross form in sky with the 4 animals from the revelations...
At closest approach it was about 100 times away from the Earth as the Moon is. If it was only five times closer you would have to admit it was significantly close. Then if it was twenty times closer still it would be a bit of a wake up call.
I wonder how many of these things are out there.
Remember, in near-Earth-orbit, nobody can hear you cay "ooh that was close".
A lot of the prophets of doom have been rambling on about the good Comet Elenin and how it's going to bring our world to an abrupt end.
Some of these doom mongers have even claimed the name is an acronym for "Extinction Level Event Nibiru Is Near"
So, NASA not to be outdone by those with hobbyist telescopes, reams of "facts" and the use of YouTube to broadcast these theories of earthquakes, tidal waves and killer weather pasterns have obviously decided to "take control" of this extra terrestrial object in regards to updating us on it.
It makes sense, NASA have the equipment, the expertise, so we should believe all they tell us and totally ignore those thousands of "crazies" who've predicted our demise
Sure, not everyone will believe NASA, but... if we see it on CCN or BBC, read it in the newspaper, then perhaps the majority of the planet's inhabitants will assume that NASA is telling the truth........ Right?
Now please excuse me, I have a bunker do dig...
"pass close enough to the planet that its gravitational pull would cause loads of earthquakes"
So this comet, it's not made of ice and rock like a normal comet, it is in fact Jupiter cunningly disguised as a comet? W...T...*F*, people?
Never mind Don's car, the simpletons who sit in their parents' basement eating bag after bag of Cheezy Poofs and posting daft conspiracy theories to the Internet exert more gravitational pull on the earth than a comet 22 million miles away does.
You are more likely to die from being hit by a Duck Billed Platypus driving a Monster Truck than from a Comet strike.
As for the stupidity of the "Internet", myself and some friends formulated a theory one night after a few beers. We believe that intelligence is inversely proportional to the number of people in close proximity.
So, 2 people with an IQ of 150 would have a combined IQ of 75.
3 people would be a combined IQ of 50.
You can just imagine (and experience) the combined IQ of a football stadium or an "Internet".
So, first we're told the US's B53 9Mt happy slapper has been dismantled. Now we're told the doomsday comet has suddenly broken into lots of insignificant chunks. Convenient huh? Nuke missing, comet missing. Cause and effect I say!
Rapid, energetic self-dismantling of the B53 in the near proximity Elenin lead to it's demise. NASA would have claimed responsibility except for "This trail of piffling particles will remain on the same path as the original comet" is now radioactive, so we're still doomed, dooomed I tell you.
(but not till after the weekend please, I have plans)
So, comet Elenin breaks up, and......
1) I haven't seen Bruce Willis in the news the last couple weeks
2) The EU has finally finished bailing out Greece
3) The U.S. is cutting NASA's budget and is cutting discretionary spending
So obviously the costly joint U.S./European rescue mission (and that whole "financial crisis" cover for the trillions in spending needed to fund the mission) has ended with the successful deflection and destruction of comet Elenin. Of course, Bruce Willis heroically gave his life to stay on the comet and detonate the final nuke (word has it his last words were "yippee-ky-ayy mother!!!"), thus selflessly saving mankind and assuring that his last 10 years of mediocre acting will not be what he is remembered for.
Ok, can we get on to the feel-good conclusion and start naming high schools and children after Bruce?
what about the reddish dessicating radiations? The ones that will slowly turn most of us into flesh-craving zombies?*
We're all doomed! DOOMED!
*and will turn the remainder of us into sauerkraut-haired, orange-and-green-spandex-clad pop-loving trigger-happy tarts.
And, weighing in at 2.4 X 10(13)kg with a projected impact energy of 2.1 X 10(6)MT, is our next contender for "Reason to Panic". Currently, you have until June 26, 2032 to enjoy yourselves, or find a way to deflect this mountain aimed straight at us...
Of course odds of 1 in 4,762,000 don't really matter do they? Why ruin a good opportunity to party for the next 20 years?
""I cannot begin to guess why this little comet became such a big internet sensation," Don Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Programme Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, said in the statement."
Some people are very vocal and very delusional. Given the significance of comets in prophecies, cataclysmic theories (Velikovsky etc.) it is not surprising that reality takes a back seat in their minds.
But NASA said that the gravitational influence was less then "my subcompact automobile on the earth". Wait a f*ing moment. That comet was about a cubic km, and 22 million miles away, masses around 10^9 tonnes.
Inverse-square, he's about right if he means "the gravitational pull effect of my 1-ton car 700 miles away". But tides are what are relevant, and they are inverse-cube, not inverse-square.
So actually, what he could have said in moron-approved units is:
"less than the effect of the weight of Berlusconi sticking up two fingers from Italy"
"less than a sugar-cube across the state of Texas"
"the weight of a single atom in the doughnut on your desk"
I mean, talk about scare in America are BIG, even the subcompacts