The NBN is nothing but a gigantic fraud designed to allow commercial content providers to deliver media content over a Government provided network ( I'm looking at you Rupert Murdoch & Foxtel ).
I spent several years commercially researching fibre systems for new developments and new apartment buildings in Australia. The basic facts are that they have no ROI that can produce a break-even in investement in under 25 years.
That's why no commercial operator has been in the least bit interested.
When a stupid Government steps in and provides the infrastructure (and believe me it's a massive infrastructure, equivalent to at least $4K per premise, perhaps a lot more) The only people who get benefit are the high volume content providers, and the only people who pay are the taxpayers.
The fake arguments put up about telemedicine etc are a total distraction. Any telemedicine needed can be done at local or regional access points. The rest is just so much hokum.
I have only just attended a meeting organised by the department of Prime Minister and Cabinet where the main thrust of the discussion was security requirements for businesses in the NBN era. The theory was the NBN would simply make attacks ever so much faster. Wow!
Business doesn't need the new massive bandwidth as they already have a comercially viable fibre network. Nor do the majority of consumers. The economic modelling is done by non-industry economists who have no clue of the commercial models and lump in the 'benefits' of all the 'new jobs' created to push the fibre out.
Throw in the public safety issue where ordinary phones cease to be reliable and simply shut down in power failures you have a repeat of the ill-though-out schemes such as the home insulation project that sounded good but in fact rorted money and killed quite a few.